New Beamshots by (~100 flashlights!)

Newly Enlightened
May 6, 2008
Moscow, Russia

We at have done a hard work shooting all these lights on March 14, 2009. You can download images at different exposures, and we also provide crops of image centers.

I guess this post is to be moved to Reviews forum.

link to beamshots articles:
1st part:

2nd part:

Well, actually there are 77 different lights (and more to come in next part that was shot at next wekeend), but there were so many different accessories and that Surefire lamps... :)

Brands include: Polarion, Fenix, Nitecore, Jetbeam, Surefire, DereeLight, ZebraLight, Tiablo, and many others.

Does anybody need list of all lights here in thread?

Any comments are welcome!
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Absolutely awesome, I'll bet those beamshots can make up some peoples minds on what to buy.
Thanks for making available to download.
Very nice work :candle:

Is it just me or do the older fenix models look brighter than the new ones?

Maybe just floodier beams...?
Thanks everyone. We are almost finished with next part, I'll update the topic soon.

To me, older Fenix models are dimmer than new ones. Focus is also more tight in PD/LD series.

Maybe the problem comes from different alignment of lights: it's a real headache to center them in place. The light looks like perfectly centered when shooting, but when we see that photo, it can easily be 2-3 meters away from center. For all next beamshots events, we now use laptop connected via 10-meter USB cable :) to DSLR camera, so we can check centering immediately.
That is amazing! I think Fenix should use your freezeframe traffic wand pic for their site ;)

Also looks to be an awesome place for beamshots since there doesnt seem to be much (any) ambient light so accurate beamshot comparisons should be easy to replicate!
Thanks for the great beamshot gallery! I particularly liked the comparison pics of the SureFire E-series incans, which I am currently somewhat obsessed with.
Clicking around, not being able to read Russian-or any other Cyrillic, I stumbled around other neutral-white Fenix models?
Are these available in the US?
or would Fenix wait until Q3/Q4 5As are available, en mass.

and this is my favorite 'beam shot'
Im only getting around 10-15Kb/s
I downloaded them all the otherday, when you first posted. I know it was downloading alot faster.
Please see the first post, i've translated another one beamshots event.
The most interesting there is effect of warming up of alkaline cell in flashlight.