New cyclist looking for a budget friendly front and rear light


Mar 11, 2006
New to cycling. I Inherited an 8yo Trek 7100 that came with similarly aged bontrager front and rear lights. The guys at the Trek store were quite helpful in making sure the bike was road ready, providing maintenance tips and recommended upgrading the lights for better visibility on the road. While I'm not looking on dumping any serious money this early in a new hobby, spending money on safety gear makes the most sense to me and I know how far led tech has come since then. Most of what they had in stock was, predictably, quite expensive for anything that was a significant upgrade. I figured the kind folks at CPF would have a good lead on something both affordable and attention getting. I don't really do any riding at night, so the main purpose would be making myself seen. I'd like something rechargable (usb-c would be a bonus) my as well. If I could spend under $100 that would be great.
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For rear light I've been using a "Leadbike" RGB tail light from Fasttech for going on 2.5 years now. The glow is easily visible even on a clear day, especially if you set it to flash, it's micro USB rechargeable and in my experience the battery lasts over a week of hour-long rides. It's been out of stock for months now, though, and no idea if they'll ever get more.

As for front, I can't help you there. I use a Lumintop B01 on my bars, but that's an actual full blown headlight.
An actual headlight is fine. If I really get into this it may be appreciated as the days get shorter, I just want to make sure it has a flashing/strobe feature for daytime visibility as not getting flattened by a truck is my current priority
I saw a YouTube video (acrually a few now) of people using the Harbor Freight red triangle lights as a rear light. I made a post asking for input, but the CPF members of days ago that would easily chime in, seem to be retired now? Dunno…………

Anywho, I put them on kids' bike, using a metal bracket & shaping it into the angle that I need, and attached it to the quick release seat adjustment.

1) They are pretty bright all things considered. Don't know the battery life though. We only turn them on if we are still out at sunset. If you decided to get them, get the newer version one - MUCH brighter. The old version has the LED in a circular dome, while the newer, brighter ones are square.
2) $4.99....then use their 20% coupon. You can bundle it with their free blue light coupon!
3) Now, they are NOT waterproof by any means. I am thinking of putting a strip of electrical tape or something to help any possible water out. The face of the light doesn't seem to have a great seal. Maybe you could seal the front face & help its durability? Dunno. But, so far so good!
4) As for a headlight, do you want it so you can be seen or use it as an actual headlight. If a simple light, I bought for their bikes a LuxPro 3AAA light at Lowe's for $7.99+ tax. It a high....low....SOS. Just attach it to your handle bars by whatever method you choose, and viola! You're set. If you want a headlight, Seth's Bike Hacks (a YouTube channel) reviewed a $20 Amazon bike headlight. Its not bad for $20!
I use a zebralight 18650-based light. Think it's the '602' model. Attached with a twofish lockblock. Good strobe. Comes off in a couple of seconds to put in your pocket.
I've had both of these styles:

Apart from the motion sensor trying to be too helpful in saving power, I've found them to be pretty good. The anti-dazzle lens is nice at this price point. They're also cheap and small enough to have a second as a hot backup.
I bought the first light a couple of years ago from Ali Express and I'm quite happy with it. At full charge, it lasts at least an hour on high which is remarkable for such a small light. The only thing I don't like is that the battery is not replaceable.

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