New EDC with high and low level outputs specific for flying


Newly Enlightened
Nov 11, 2007
Ok now just to let you know I may not have posted here before but I have been a lurker for some time. I am looking for a new edc light. I work as a pilot on a mid sized regional jet and I need something that can throw 50 to 80 feet well in order to conduct preflights but also has the ability to do very low light at night in the cockpit. I currently have an A2 but it is just too big for edc in my opinion (I hate holsters and want something pocketable). Also I haven't had the best luck with bulbs although I seem to be the only one with this problem. So I am looking for an LED. I have thoroughly researched the p2d and novatac 120p. Now that being said here are my questions.

1) I hear the p2d's low setting is still very bright how much of a problem do you think that would be for dark adapted eyes?

2) One thing I like about fenix is that they stay on the cutting edge with their emitters are there any ways to upgrade a 120p emitter in the future or do you think Novatac might offer new heads at some point?

3) Is there possibly some kind of diffuser to put on the p2d?

4) Just how bulky will the 120p be I could really use a photo of one in a hand to give me an idea I have seen the p2d in hand and the p2d 120p comparisons but somehow this is just falling short?

5) Any info on alternative batteries for the 120p to increase runtime. And do you know if the new q5 or rebel 100 heads will accept rechargables on the fenix.

6) Do you think it would be hard to identify red hydraulic fluid with the blue tint of the q5 would the rebel be easier and how is the tint of the 120p in comparison.

Any additional info on mods for either of these two would be greatly appreciated I have seen the supernova lens replacement but I would generally be more interested in a newer emitter.

I feel I owe you all a great deal of thanks for the info I have already gleaned from this site and I can't wait to hear your responses.
I'll leave the high output suggestions to someone else, but I have an idea for quick momentary cockpit lighting. Keep in mind that most variable output LED's out there are lacking a really low low setting. For just a quick shine of a dim red LED, I would attach a red fauxton on a zipper, or a neck lanyard.


with these put in place of the white LED

and swap the 2xCR2016 batteries with one CR2032 (2 packs for 10 cells). The red LED's need a lower voltage, and the 2032's will give a much longer runtime.

Total $10.36 for 10 complete lights. Plenty for you, and for all your pilot buddies!!

PS. Fenix does sell a red filter.
1) It would probably be a problem unless you have a filter on it. The Novatac has a much lower low.

2) You can modify both lights. If you don't want to modify the lights you self, Fenix Store periodically has upgrading services and you can find CPFers who would be willing to modify the Novatac.

3) Red Filter, diffuser, and you could probably make a filter.

5) The Fenix P2D head does not have low modes with the Li-ion battery(Only the P3D head can take Li-ion rechargeable batteries) but the Novatac would work. No longer runtimes but you can charge the batteries after every use.

6) It shouldn't be hard to identify red with the Cree/Seoul/Rebel LEDs. The Rebel would be a bit better but from my experience, they should all work fine.

Sorry, no pictures, check this post

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Hmmm . . . the Nautilus that Enrique just shipped sounds like a perfect fit for what you described. It's more expensive than anything you can buy off the shelf, but it's a great little light and my guess is that it willstand up to anything you can thro at it. I know he had a couple left yesterday, so thre might still be time to snag one.
I am a CRJ FO as well and I would go with the Novatac. I have owned several Fenixes with clickies (the most recent being an L1D CE) and I find the clicky switches to be unreliable and the low is definitely not low enough for use in the cockpit.

Might I also suggest the latest from HDS (the pioneer of the EDC series)--the HDS Twisty. Battery Station is offering pre-orders:

The HDS-70-TR model actually offers a separate red LED for the low output and then white for medium and high. The other models have a white LED for all levels, and the low is like the Novatac's--about 0.3 lumens. Of course they won't be available for about another month and there are no reviews, so real world performance remains to be seen.

I have been considering the Novatac, as well, and might still go with one, but I haven't made up my mind as of yet. HDS is notorious for delays with their flashlights so it could be more than a month.
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Are you kidding? The A2 is the perfect light for you.

You think there is something better?

How small are your pockets?!

Thanks for the helpfull info gunner. I know the A2 seems like the perfect light but I have had several bulbs burn out and at 30 dollars apiece from surefire the light just costs me too much. I want to go with a LED so that I can avoid this problem.
For your specific needs, the Novatac P or the new HDS series (or an older HDS U 60, 85) as mentioned should be bright enough on high and low is adjustable.

The Spy005 is powered by (2) CR123's for long life and the adjustable 6 position switch can be programmed from low to high.

click here for more info

The only drawback, is that they are custom and "Data" could be contacted for availability or an
offer to "Buy" in B/S/T.


Hi Crjfo. Sounds like you need a Surefire Kroma. Check it out on their website and see the review of the light here.

I am an aircraft mechanic and know what lights work well for our kind of work. Though I dont have a Kroma (no fundage), I know it would be the perfect light for you. I wish I had one. It has good throw on the primary high beam for pre flight inspections even in daylight while inspecting PCA's and torque tubes and such from the ground. The blue LED's are great for detecting hydraulic fluid. It really makes the fluid stand out. You wont have a problem with the white primary LED in this area at all.

And for night missions where you dont need to ruin your night vision the red LED's would work great. You will find too that the white primary LED on low will not be too bright when you need to identify specific colors in the flight deck at night. Size might be your only concern with this light. IMO it is well worth that sacrafice.

Good luck.
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I have read a few aviator+flashlight posts and I have a question. Why don't pilots use headlamps? In this particular case (just being me) I would have to have my signal flashlight and a headlamp with a red diffuser.

Why not purchase something like the Tikka Xp? The two faults I see with this light is that it is not rated as "waterproof" (though it is water-resistant) and it is not regulated. Then you read about the pros and they make up for the cons. Multiple modes+red diffuser and you have a low light dream. Since it is DD you will have light for hours.

I would think that if you really needed light in the cockpit you would want it hands free.
Rayovac Sportsman Extreme headlamp, powerful white, dim white, blue, and red, diffusers included. All in one package.
Thanks for the info faabulight the kroma does look good but 300 bucks is really beyond my budget. Honestly I am selling my A2 to fund this new light. If you work in aviation you probably know how low first year FO pay is. If not just know your local burger king manager is making more than me. Plus I want something really versatile and small cause I would like o EDC this light (I also do alot of outdoor activities hiking, biking, etc.). If there is a LED mod for the A2 I wish I had have heard about it before I put my A2 on ebay. Then we get to the headlamps the problem with those is they are really annoying if you are flying with someone who wears those. I used to fly with students who insisted on wearing them and there is nothing worse than looking over at the person next to you only to get blinded. Plus you really don't want to have them shining on all the instruments while you look at them they are basically four big lcd panels I would imagine this would cause a nasty glare. The need for a flashlight in a modern cockpit is really minimal with all the mounted directional LED and incandescent dome lights. I just want it there for when I really do need it. I really appreciate all your help but the more I hear the more I realize I have already made up my mind. Buy them all!!! Lol. No I think I will buy the Novatac because it seems to be the one that comes closest to meeting all my needs. Then later on down the road I can always buy the latest greatest LED light from Fenix if I want something brighter. But the more I read the more I realize bright isn't always what makes the best light. And I am having a hard time imagining any light being more versatile than the Novatac (maybe the Titan but once again to pricey for me).
Thanks for the info faabulight the kroma does look good but 300 bucks is really beyond my budget. Honestly I am selling my A2 to fund this new light. If you work in aviation you probably know how low first year FO pay is. If not just know your local burger king manager is making more than me. Plus I want something really versatile and small cause I would like o EDC this light (I also do alot of outdoor activities hiking, biking, etc.). If there is a LED mod for the A2 I wish I had have heard about it before I put my A2 on ebay. Then we get to the headlamps the problem with those is they are really annoying if you are flying with someone who wears those. I used to fly with students who insisted on wearing them and there is nothing worse than looking over at the person next to you only to get blinded. Plus you really don't want to have them shining on all the instruments while you look at them they are basically four big lcd panels I would imagine this would cause a nasty glare. The need for a flashlight in a modern cockpit is really minimal with all the mounted directional LED and incandescent dome lights. I just want it there for when I really do need it. I really appreciate all your help but the more I hear the more I realize I have already made up my mind. Buy them all!!! Lol. No I think I will buy the Novatac because it seems to be the one that comes closest to meeting all my needs. Then later on down the road I can always buy the latest greatest LED light from Fenix if I want something brighter. But the more I read the more I realize bright isn't always what makes the best light. And I am having a hard time imagining any light being more versatile than the Novatac (maybe the Titan but once again to pricey for me).

I am very surprised that nobody has mentioned the HDS Twisty for 165.

3 settings reached via twist (a la A2). Small, almost indestructible. The low is very low. It would also be a great EDC.

But unfortunately, it hasn't been released yet.
I am very surprised that nobody has mentioned the HDS Twisty for 165.

3 settings reached via twist (a la A2). Small, almost indestructible. The low is very low. It would also be a great EDC.

But unfortunately, it hasn't been released yet.

Also, it works well with rechargeable 123's. One model has a red LED for low and the other has a low that is white. I don't know which is more useful for you. The levels it comes with seem perfect for what you describe.A Surefire F04 beam diffuser should fit on it to give you a more floody diffuse light and when you want the throw just pop it off.
Using a multi-level flashlight in a dark cockpit is something bordering on plain dangerous: one wrong click or twist, and there goes your night vision, spatial orientation, etc...

I myself use a Fenix E0 just for the cockpit. Runtime is like... forever, twisty is as reliable as they get. A bit bluish tint, but who cares? Always in my pen pocket.

For the external preflights, I just reach into my flight bag, where a MiniMagliteLED is just waiting to perform. And it is more than adequate.

Two simple flashlights. I have others, but these are the ones I choose to fly with. Reliable. Common batteries. Adequate power. Long runtime. Low price. Good quality, enough to be beaters on the job. Good enough for a survival situation. And... two is one, one is none.

Just my current opinion, hope it helps. If 3000 hours of military helicopter flying is any indication of experience...
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I am very surprised that nobody has mentioned the HDS Twisty for 165.

3 settings reached via twist (a la A2). Small, almost indestructible. The low is very low. It would also be a great EDC.

But unfortunately, it hasn't been released yet.

Ummm...I did mention the HDS Twisty in my post earlier, but I guess with the way that it was formatted, it could easily be glossed over--so I changed the formatting to make it stand out a little more.
EDC ing your light as a pilot is no problem just tuck it in your flight bag.

The advice you have received on the Kroma is great. There is no other more beautiful, soft and uniform red beam than the Kroma. The low red is perfect for cockpit work and preserving night vision. The high white is perfect for preflighting the regional jets. The low white gives good color rendering at close distance work. And the blues are great for fluids.

Being able to EDC this light becomes secondary when it can be so useful at work for you.
IMO the best single light for aviation would be
A2 Aviator: 2 Modes with the low level being colored without the use of a filter
L1 Lumamax: 2 Modes, single battery LED, but you would need a filter to other colors
Kroma: Multi-color, but expensive

A U2 might be descent, but it's pretty expensive and you would need a filter, same with a Titan if it had a bit more output and was mass produced.

Fenix makes descent lights, but their user interface sucks, so I wouldn't suggest one for the cockpit.

Now if two lights were an option I would a G2L for GA or L4/L5 for turbine (although the G2L would be too bad on a CRJ or an ERJ), and a small button LED or something similar. I had a neat little finger mounted red LED that I bought at a FBO, I thought it was pretty good for reading charts and such enroute.

Anyways I know the feeling about the pay, it's pretty bad to come out of flight school and make less then a manager at McDonalds.

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