New Eneloop charger packs at Costco Canada

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Well it seems I pondered back in May actually did come true:

Since the 2xAAA, 6xAA, 2xC, 2xD adapters pack is not marked with the asterisk, I am wondering if they are getting ready to bring in a new Eneloop charger package.

Voila....spotted these this afternoon, priced at $17.99:



The charger isn't as good as previous ones offered, as you have to charge cells in pairs.

And this post:

Looks like bad news for Costco Eneloop shoppers in Canada.

Went to my local Costco (Merivale Road, Ottawa) this morning and the pack noted in the quoted text is marked down to $17.97 and it is marked with an asterisk. Grab 'em while you can folks.

seems to have been a bit premature.

This looks to be the new packs to be introduced soon.

4xAA, 4xAAA.

Is this also from the same Merivale store? The one on Innes has no Eneloop products of any sort.

The 1st pack seem to be very cheap, 6 cells and charger for $18, is that right????

What sort of charger is it? Slow one around 300-500 mA, or the faster 1-2 hr type?

thanks for the info
Yeah, this was at Merivale.

The Kanata store had a couple of the charger packs that has the really good charger and car cord for $19.99.

Not sure what this new charger is or the rates it charges at (I didn't buy one).
All I could get from looking at the package was that the cells had to be charged in pairs.
Is this also from the same Merivale store? The one on Innes has no Eneloop products of any sort.

The 1st pack seem to be very cheap, 6 cells and charger for $18, is that right????

What sort of charger is it? Slow one around 300-500 mA, or the faster 1-2 hr type?

thanks for the info

Alas, I fear it's the trusty two channel, four place MQN06 that Costco USA substituted for the MQN05 a few years ago.

A user manual with its input/output numbers is available at the Eneloop USA site: ... 4_Position_Charger_IS.pdf

With the major vendors in Canada now following the lead of those in the USA, and electing to carry the MQN06 in lieu of the MQN05 and MQH03, methinks the two best chargers in Sanyo's line-up just became endangered species in the North American market.
Yep, I bought it and indeed it is MQN06
Still, even if it is 2 channel charger, for the price I find it an excellent value.
$18 pack = 6 AAs, 2 AAAs and charger

If you use $2/cell, then charger is only $6
I find it perfect for using at office and garage. That way I don't have to keep bringing cells back into the house all the time, just every 5-10 cycles.
I was in Costco today picking up my wife's big Christmas present and had to venture down the battery aisle :whistle:

The charger pack that showed up in August with 6 AAs, 2 AAAs, and the MQN06 charger is now marked with an asterisk, for $17.59 (I think).

The batteries are not marked with an asterisk, so that is good.

I think that's the shortest time frame (~4-months) I've ever seen for these charger packs at Costco.

I wonder what the next one, if there is one, will be.