New Flashlight Website!!!

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Jan 29, 2004
Washington State
Howdy all!

I've been a member here for about two years now, and it's time I offered the community something useful. Since I have no real flashlight skills (modding, reviewing, etc.) and since most of my questions have already been answered by someone here, I mostly lurk. But I've had the desire to do something helpful for fellow flashaholics, and have created a website in response to that desire. is designed to be a news website and master directory for all things related to flashlights and flashaholics.

The site features portable lighting industry news and reviews, updated five days a week (mostly.) News coverage extends to all types of portable lighting, including business news, product announcements, and modders/tech news. Additionally, I currently have over 450 sites indexed in the directory, with more added all the time. The directory is arranged by website type or purpose, and all categories are alphabetized for convenience.

The site also features 'MoonTracker', a java applet which keeps you apprised of when the moon might spoil your night-time flashlight fun :D.

Anyway, I would appreciate any feedback you can provide, as well as any additional site addresses you would like to see listed...hope you find it useful.

edited: 10/21/06 to update site description.
Very nice portalsite for flashaholics! Maybe you can change the code so the referred links are opened in a new browser window?

Very nice reference site. The only suggestion I have at this point is that it might be helpful to reference specific threads on CPF, such as the CR123 and AA battery shootouts, and maybe the more recent beamshot thread. I'm on my wife's laptop at the moment - I'll post the URLs later if someone else doesn't beat me to it.
I love having the moontracker, that's great!

I got really annoyed over the summer when I planned a campout and we were supposed to sit around a campfire and tell ghost stories. Well it was a clear full moon night and damned if it wasn't all lit up so much that we were casting SHADOWS!

Sheesh talk about spoiling a spooky atmosphere <grin>
Wow! Nice job!

Good work compiling a complete list of Internet resources available to us trying to decide how to trade hard earnerd money for lumens. :laughing:
Nice job Metalhed!

You sum up about half of my current favourites list regarding flashlights, and some. Now I listed your site among these. More ways to find out what I want (=need?) to know.

There is never enough information, as I found out yesterday. Just after having bought a bunch of Powerizer NiMh batteries, I came across a post about a test in which they fail miserably. I had seen the review before, but didn't read it thoroughly enough. Just focussed on the top batteries, and decided they were a bit expensive. Reread it, and regretted. Cheap buy is expensive buy, as they say here in the Netherlands. Well, you never stop learning.

Good luck,


I didn't realize so many resources are out there. It's enough to make one feel light headed.
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