New guy here!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2008
Happy New Year everyone!

I have a small interest in flashlights, namely LED flashlights. I'm not a collector or anything, but thought it would be cool to join here and chat a bit, plus do some research which will probably cause me to blow some money later down the road on another flashlight that I probably don't need. LOL :laughing:

Anyway, I have 4 LED flahslights so far:

1) An eBay cheapie, 21 LED's and 3 AAA's
2) An old, beat up Police issue 5 D-cell MagLite converted to LED and 3 D-cells
3) A Victorinox 5.8W LED and 2 C-cells
4) A well built no-name with 8 LEDs, 1 laser and 3 AAA's

When I converted the MagLite to LED, it was probably close to 2 years ago, and I can not remember who or where I bought the LED, its power rating or how much it cost. All I remember is that I bought it online. For some reason, I keeping thinking that it was a 3 watt LED, but not sure. It's every bit as bright as the Victorinox. Does anyone here have an idea of what this LED might be?

Here's a few pics of my small, lame collection. Also included are a couple close-ups of the MagLite LED. And yes, the eBay flashlight has a few dead LEDs, but I think they are just out because the original batteries are just about dead. I'm pretty sure the LEDs are still fine. ;)




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:welcome: Your situation of too few lights will soon change, not to worry!

"Picture ID and PayPal account number please"!

welcome! do some reading, some searching, and figure out what flashlights were meant for you. :]

Do you know that if you swap the Luxeon LED in your Maglite drop-in for a Seoul P4 U bin LED, you will instantly double the output?

Now runaway before you start purchasing lights like the throwy Dereelight DBS(Throws more then the Maglite) or the tiny but very powerful Draco(Note, I have neither).

Enjoy your stay!
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:welcome:Stay awhile and you will get a lot of useful information!
:welcome: Hold on to your wallet cos your credit card wants to buy things for you after reading on these threads.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes and the fair warnings about spending money! LOL


Do you know that if you swap the Luxeon LED in your Maglite drop-in for a Seoul P4 U bin LED, you will instantly double the output?

Now runaway before you start purchasing lights like the throwy Dereelight DBS(Throws more then the Maglite) or the tiny but very powerful Draco(Note, I have neither).

Enjoy your stay!

So the LED I have now is a Luxeon? How many watts do you think it is?

And FYI, because of your statement about that Seoul P4 U bin LED, I just spent $32 on one from BatteryJunction thanks to you! Boy, I haven't been on here more than a couple of hours and have already spent money! LOL

Because of this, I refuse to look at either one of those links you provided. :whistle:
Because of this, I refuse to look at either one of those links you provided. :whistle:

Ah yes, so clear to us here---good intentions!!! ;) You do need some practice in the presentation of "untruths" however! Refuse to look huh? :laughing: Fess up, ya already started a Word file on those links didn't ya??? Might have even made "Favorites" of them on your search engine as well right??? You're sunk but that's perfectly OK. This forum will most certainly "light up your life"! :D

It looks like a Luxeon III drop-in made by Diamond. I think it should be around 3 watts to the LED. It looks like this drop-in.

The newer LEDs, the Cree XR-E P4-R2 bin, Seoul P4 U-bin, and Luxeon Rebel 100 are twice the efficiency of the Luxeon I, III, V and K2 LEDs, so for the same power, the newer LEDs will have double the output.

This is the drop-in you bought right? I think the newer ones use the newer K2 LEDs(about the same performance as the Cree and Seoul LEDs). Not sure how they perform. If you want more output and feel like spending the money, go for the Malkoffdevices drop-in.

Once you discover this forum, your wallet will only get flatter(Until you start selling lights).
It looks like a Luxeon III drop-in made by Diamond. I think it should be around 3 watts to the LED. It looks like this drop-in.

The newer LEDs, the Cree XR-E P4-R2 bin, Seoul P4 U-bin, and Luxeon Rebel 100 are twice the efficiency of the Luxeon I, III, V and K2 LEDs, so for the same power, the newer LEDs will have double the output.

This is the drop-in you bought right? I think the newer ones use the newer K2 LEDs(about the same performance as the Cree and Seoul LEDs). Not sure how they perform. If you want more output and feel like spending the money, go for the Malkoffdevices drop-in.

Once you discover this forum, your wallet will only get flatter(Until you start selling lights).

Hi Gunner!

You are absolutely correct. That is a Diamond. Now I know why I kept thinking that it was a 3 watter... Because it is! LOL

You are also correct about the new drop-in I just ordered. That IS the one you are referring to as the "newer K2" LEDs, right? I sure hope so. I was under the impression that this was the latest Seoul LED. Did I just purchase the wrong one?

That Malkoff drop-in looks like a nasty little beast! :drool:
Yes the Mag Led you have is the old Diamond one. It's easily upgraded for something far nicer. Mine went in the bin a long time ago.:laughing:
Wow...another newbie here, too. Without hijacking the thread, I too have already picked out the same LED drop-in for my 4XD before I send my next paycheck to the Battery Junction, do I go ahead and pull the trigger on the Olight T20 too? And what batteries and or charger to go with it? My first mini LED...

My first post and soooo many questions from the grasshopper...
Yeah, I know...about 2 years ago, I got into Kershaw knives...24 knives later and a much lighter wallet...Oh well, you can't take it with you!

I'm looking forward to a real enlightening experience here!
may i suggest converting it back to 5d cells.
get the 4-6d terralux drop in and you won't need to waste all that space, you are carrying around a 5d mag, so use it all!
get some tenergy rechargeables too!
may i suggest converting it back to 5d cells.
get the 4-6d terralux drop in and you won't need to waste all that space, you are carrying around a 5d mag, so use it all!
get some tenergy rechargeables too!

I did order the Terralux TLE-6EX yesterday and I will be going back to 5Ds. That's what I stated in post #7.