New Here!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 23, 2008
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Hi all! I'm new to this forum and just thought I'd introduce myself, as well as ask a question. First of all, about a year ago I got into Spyderco knives and now have 4. About a month ago I decided it was time I got myself a good flashlight. After some research I decided to go with the Fenix P3D Q5 as my first light. It looks great and reviews from this site have seemed to like it.

So last night I pulled the trigger and got the Olive P3D Q5, a Red Filter, and AW's RCR 123 batteries and charger. All from Fenix-Store. Now unfortunately the waiting game begins:whistle: It will probably be 2 weeks to get here to Canada. So in the meantime I've got a couple questions:

1. Do I treat these RCR123 batteries like normal Li-Ion batteries? My experience in the past is to keep them topped up as much as possible to give my batteries the best life. Any opinions on this?

2. The P3D is rated to IP-X8 standards. According to this site, ( that means it can handle diving depths. Any experience with this? Has anyone had any problems with water damage? I don't actually dive, but want to know how it holds up in water.

On the same note, a question that seems kinda dumb, but I will ask it anyway. Does having the bezel not tightened all the way (Normal operation, not turbo mode) affect its water resistance/proofness?

Thanks for all your help!

- Jason Dalsgaard
2) IPX-8 isn't a dive rating. I believe Fenix certifies their IPX-8 at 12 feet/3.6 meters for 24 hours. That's isn't to say that it can't take more, but that's what it's guaranteed for. There are some members here which use non-clicky Fenix lights (ie. P1D) for full dive lights. Because of pressure acting on the rubber boot switch, the P3D would most likely be limited to snorkeling depths.

Head loose or tight, it's waterproofness will remain the same as long as the front o-ring is engaged. Just keep all o-rings well lubricated.

BTW, :welcome:
afair, Li-Ions can (and should) be topped before use - dont get voltage down too often,

but should not be stored fully charged!
:welcome: first, welcome to CPF. It's a great place to lose your money. I'm a knife collector myself as well, and have a good number of spydies, benchmades, case, queens, schatt and morgans, bark river, and customs. (for some unknown reasons, a lot of knife collectors are interested in flashlights too ... don't get the correlation, but oh well).

Anyway, IPX-8 standard is pretty much means your flashlight is dunkable for a short period of time (never tested, but I'll take marduke's 24 hour time). If you're not planning to dive with it, you should be fine. I had a GPS that's IPX-8, and I dropped in the lake while I was trying to catch a frog during my backpacking trip. It was sitting on the base of the lake (1 foot deep) for some time (at least an hour). If I hadn't attached a yellow paracord on it, I would never find it.

The P3D is a very good light ... I'm sure we'll be seeing you commenting on it when you get it. Soon, you'll become like the rest of us, buying and buying and buying until you run out of money or flashlights to buy. Then you'll start buying batteries, and chargers .... I just spent $100 on a Maha charger today :shakehead
The P3D is rated to IP-X8 standards. According to this site, ( that means it can handle diving depths. Any experience with this? Has anyone had any problems with water damage? I don't actually dive, but want to know how it holds up in water.

Hi there... I have the same P3D myself... my first disappointment with the light is that the screw on head has an exposed green circuit board. So the only thing keeping your light from going to pot in the water is an o-ring... So I personally never get it anywhere near water... You are gonna have a lot of fun with your light... The quality is really good for a Chinese light. I am probably over protective with my P3D.

If you are going to be spending a lot of time in the water, check out some of the Pelican lights designed for divers...

Knives, flashlights, lasers, guns, magnets, for some strange reason one leads to another when it seems like they haven't the strongest of connections...
man, You suck!
havent read much in the last time, just today morning,
and EVERY tread I where read something from You, there were such dumb things
in what way is a Fenix constructed OTHER than another light?
You can see the circuit in most any led-light, and if not, there is just some spacer in front of the board and that is still not another watertight barrier.

You think those SFs, You push like crazy, survive when that "an o-ring" fails?
If You lived in a country where SFs are priced EXTREMELY, You would understand why that exceptional and cheap package Fenix offered from the beginning, stomped the market.

PS: normal water does not short at flashlight voltages, so water entering the light and going on the board, does not lead to anything.
(PPS: I have/had more SFs than You, and liked them when they were top tech, please dont explain their construction to me) :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Yes, the RCR123s should act just like other Li-ion batteries(well, similar, depends on the chemistry).

As for the IPX8, the light should have no problem taking dips and dives in the water. As long as you don't go too deep so the switch can't engage or the O-ring fails, the light should be fine.

A slightly loose bezel should still have the O-ring engaged, so it should not affect waterproofness.

Enjoy your stay!
dont think so,
just search for a few posts of that guy and read them

if the mods think so, they 'll ban me,
but I am not going to take anything back I typed
(and am convinced, I still am much too kind)

... just read some posts and You'll see
Hello from Alberta. I often use my P3D as a yard stick for my other lights to compare to. They are all brighter or dimmer etc. I have two AW protected 123a's, "Lefty and MeToo". They work just great in the P3D.
dont think so,
just search for a few posts of that guy and read them

if the mods think so, they 'll ban me,
but I am not going to take anything back I typed
(and am convinced, I still am much too kind)

... just read some posts and You'll see

Well, there it is then.

BUH BYE, yellow.
yellow was abit mean, but with the stuff Caligvla has been saying lately, im not surprised yellow snapped.

spyderwings, welcome to cpf! its a nice place for the most part...:)
also, im fairly certain, if th P3D is your first major light purchase, you WILL be in for a surprise at how bright it is...

P3D really is a fantastic all around light. If i didnt already have the two closest lights, the P1D and the T1 and Tk10, i would have a P3D :)

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:welcome: Welcome from Toronto! As you can see, all kinds of people and all of their opinions are typically welcomed, though we don't always get along. :rolleyes::shrug: I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay though!

first, welcome to CPF. It's a great place to lose your money.
:crackup:xcel730 speaks the truth! In the short time I've been here, I now have a queue of things I want to buy that's easily higher than my monthly "just for fun" budget for several months. :D

It's not just knives and flashlights either. It's also other "tactical" equipment. There always seems to be some correlation with real gear such as BDUs, etc.. along with lights, knives, airsoft, etc..
Spyderwings, let me tell you ... I avoided knifeforums and bladeforums for the last three months because I kept on buying new knives, and it reached to the point where it got too expensive.

Then I realized that I haven't upgraded my flashlights for the last two years, so I decided to do some research on the latest flashlights to replace my oldies. Never in my life did I expect to spend so much on flashlights!!! I just bought an SF 6P .. just so I could use it as a host flashlight for a SF Z59 clicky tailcap and waiting for Malkoff M60 drop in. I'm also looking into mods for 3D Maglite from Elektrolumens. This is insanity!! I have to admit, it is cheaper than buying knives. Anyway, enjoy
Well, thanks for all the warm welcomes and the info you provided me with! Water doesn't seem like it will be a problem; I was just wondering in case it gets dropped in or something. But that doesn't sound like it will be a problem.

My thoughts on the flashlights, knives, and other gadgets is just that; the fact that they are all cool gadgets.:twothumbs
yellow was abit mean, but with the stuff Caligvla has been saying lately, im not surprised yellow snapped.
There's really no excuse for snapping, even if it's provoked. But I do think there's a little too much provoking being done. When in Rome you might do as the Romans do, but this is CPF, where baiting and trolling isn't accepted.

Anyway, Jason. :welcome:

My understanding of class 8 is that it should be accompanied by a description of the actual protection offered, because class 8 isn't sharply defined like the other classes are.
immersion beyond 1 m
The equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer.
NOTE: Normally, this will mean that the equipment is hermetically sealed. However, with certain types of equipment, it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that produces no harmful effects.
Like yellow said, water won't short out low voltage equipment, so it could be argued that it won't be harmful. Not straight away, anyway.