New INOVA X-5 + 2 extra batteries FREE


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2001
North Florida
COUNTY COMM is offering 2 extra batteries with each pre-order.

Just be careful, if you order black it still shows silver in the order box. If you add to comments box I would think you would get what you want.

My wife is going to kill me I ordered 4 of the silver ones. Oh well, so goes life.

By the way shipping for 4 was $10.00

Best Regards,
How about the copper colored one they show. How do you order that one. TX

I'm guessing that is the pewter one under some real strange lighting. Or it might have been the prototype they had that maybe had not had the silver or black anodized finish put on it (this is a guess). I've ordered from them before, if you email them and ask I'm sure you would get an answer.

Best Regards,
Just ordered 2.
Thanx for the link.
Oh man. Every time I see the new light I want one. But why couldn't they have regulated them this time around? Damn, damn, damn. Thanks for the great link though!
Just quick note to let you know COUNTYCOMM fixed their ordering link - if you order black it comes up black - if you order silver it comes up silver.

Best Regards,
I wonder if they sell the Lan Cay M-11 EOD knife that is in the bottom photo.
$58 shipped for the X5. Not to awful bad.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phred:
I wonder if they sell the Lan Cay M-11 EOD knife that is in the bottom photo.
$58 shipped for the X5. Not to awful bad.


I'd email or call them and ask about the knife, I would not be surprised they have more stuff than what is on their website.

Best Regards,

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