New JetBeam, Jet III M... Have Questions?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2009
I got my new Jet III M in the mail today. First off I thought the light had IBS on it but it only has 2 modes, high and programmable brightness.. I also ordered the Hybrid Reflector and I got smooth reflector.. That is too start.

I guess on with my ques.. Light works fine in high and min.low.. When I use the programmable brightness and bump up the light a little I get a high pitched whistle from the light.. What is this, does anyone know?
Thought I'd add that while the beam is ramping up the whistle gets louder until a certain brightness at which point is does go away.
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The first mode ( high ) can't be programmed, only the second.

Mine doesn't whine when ramping at all.
Its a pretty common mistake to think the Military model has 3 modes instead of 2. I found the 2 modes to be all I needed in a light of that sort. The quality and finish of the newer JetBeam models is to be commended - those square style threads are excellent and should last many years - although I have since sold my Military, I do regret selling that light!:mecry:

Good luck with your new purchase,

I was mistaken at first on the ibs modes, it is only 2 which is fine.. That is all I need. I have it on high and low.. I can program a strobe into it as well but I'm not sure I'd have much need for it, although it does look kinda cool.

Someone told me that if I use the cr123a battery that I can get a whistle from it. 18650 s/b used to prevent it.. So we'll see.. The cr123a just came with the light, my 18650 should be here in the next couple days, I'll check it then.

Thanks for the quick replies.
in case of the Military, that is IBS: the one programmable level.
afaik, there never has been another M than the 2-mode one.
High - non programmable,
+ user settable level

there are so many possibilities where a hiss can come from.
f.e. a weak spring tension / weak connection (between cells).
If its that, the 18650 should change it.
I also ordered the Hybrid Reflector and I got smooth reflector.

I was fooled by the smoothness of the hybrid reflector too.

I expected something smooth on the top and textured in near the emitter. That's how some others make thier hybrid reflectors.

Jetbeams hybrid reflector is essentially smooth looking but on closer inspection is rippled or grooved from top to bottom. You might not be able to tell the difference without having another Jetbeam on hand to compare it to.
Ya I understand the whole reflector deal now.. My issue is with the noise..

Ok.. Got some new TrustFire 2500mAh 3.7v 18650 batteries. Charged em up and put them in the light..
I still get the high pitched whistle or whine when the light hits about mid range. It has become more quiet but it's still there.. I guess I just won't use the light in mid range, low or high as long as the problem don't start affecting all ranges of light output.
Ya I read that before buying one, thanks for the link.. Although I did not see anything about the whining or whistle you get in medium power..

also, all the pics I see have a red O Ring at the base of the cap, seen easily when looking in at the led.

Mine has a clear one only but no red O Ring. Is this something new or did they forget the Red ORing? Anyone?
also, all the pics I see have a red O Ring at the base of the cap, seen easily when looking in at the led.

Mine has a clear one only but no red O Ring. Is this something new or did they forget the Red ORing? Anyone?

First Mil I got had black o-rings. A more recent one is clear. Never got any Jetbeams that actually had a red o-ring behind the lens. :(
The o ring color is pure luck! Purchased my Jet III M about a month ago and it had the red o rings. I don't have any inductor whine either!:thumbsup: