new Kodac "Pre Charged" NiMH batteries?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 9, 2001
New Jersey
Hi there,

Has anyone tried these batteries yet? They appear to be lower self
discharge, and they come charged up like Eneloops.

They are rated 2100mAh (at least on the package).
Kodak rechargeables have always been pretty cheap when I've seen them at Walmart. They used to sell the 2500mAh AA's with the HR stamp for $7.88 as well.

Wonder if these are Rayovac or Uniross MFG?
Kodak is using the phrase "stay charged up to 4x longer", just like Ray-O-Vac for their Hybrid cells.

Given that phrase, the price, and the mAh capacity which is the same, I'd bet they are relabeled Ray-O-Vac cells.
I don't know, but I DO know that I've been really pleased with the 2100 mAh Kodak AAs I got about a year and a half ago. That's what's powering my ROP Low and also what I use in my digital camera.
Hi again,

Yeah the price certainly is right. I wonder if they stock in actual physical stores too?
Yeah, the local Wal*Mart has both the new Kodak cells (4 AA packs ) and the over-night charger which includes 4 AA of the new cells. Same prices as above.

A quick comparison with my Rayovac Hybrids showed definite differences. The vents and insulation on the + side is different, and the diameter of the negative contact appears to be a little smaller, plus the wrapper goes further around the negative end than the Hybrids.

Haven't checked voltages yet, but for $7.88 they could be a good deal...
I picked up a 4 pack. They definately don't appear to be rebadged Uniross Hybrio cells. The negative contact has a smaller diameter protrusion.


Voltages were


All cells have "7C" printed on the yellow top band.
I ran the Kodak cells straight out of the package and after a fresh charge in my Fenix L1P, and compared them to a Uniross Hybrio that has been charged about 5 times.


I plan to cycle the Kodak cells a few more times to see if they gain more capacity.

At $12.50 shipped for the 4 Hybrios (Ebay) vs the $7.88 locally for the Kodaks (Walmart) I think the Kodaks are a hell of a deal.

I didn't run the Hybrios in the L1P but I did run them in another 1xAA light and out of the package their runtime was about 4/5 what the full charged runtime was. That would put them at quite a bit less capacity out of the package than the Kodak cells.

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Hi again,

Very interesting info, thanks for posting.

What current does your light draw around the horizontal portion of
that curve? If you provide me with some points along the curve
i can calculate the total charge.
I posted this in another thread on Eneloops the other day... here's my quote.

My Wal*Mart didn't have any of the Eneloops. I picked up a 4-pack of the Kodak "pre-charged - long shelf life" AA's. They say 2100mah - 2000mah min. They were all 1.33v out of the package. They're China made... & they have different looking contact ends than my Hybrids. They are also fatter. I have no Eneloops to compare.
Has anyone determined what these are exactly?
Originially Posted by Chevrofreak: I didn't run the Hybrios in the L1P but I did run them in another 1xAA light and out of the package their runtime was about 4/5 what the full charged runtime was. That would put them at quite a bit less capacity out of the package than the Kodak cells.
Why does the out-of-the-package capacity really matter? Doesn't that depend upon how long the batteries have been sitting on the shelf--along with the discharge rate, of course. So, the same batteries sitting on a store shelf for 6 months should have a lower out-of-the-package capacity than one sitting for only a month. What would really matter would be the fully charged capacity and how they perform, right?
I've tried them on my BC900 (which usually reads 50 mAh low) and got 2080-2180 from a pack of 4. They seem to be doing as well as ROV Hybrids in the camera.

The downside: they're fat. They don't fit in a few things here. If you put them on their side next to the Hybrids, there's a noticeable difference.

I'm guessing the 7C is a year/month date code.
HarveyRich said:
Why does the out-of-the-package capacity really matter? Doesn't that depend upon how long the batteries have been sitting on the shelf--along with the discharge rate, of course. So, the same batteries sitting on a store shelf for 6 months should have a lower out-of-the-package capacity than one sitting for only a month. What would really matter would be the fully charged capacity and how they perform, right?

They're pre-charged and advertised as being able to be used straight out of the package, so why not collect the data?
Hi again,

Although it isnt one of my major concerns either, the out of package charge
level is still a bit interesting.