New L1D CE owner


Mar 3, 2007
The Lone Star State
First of all I would like to thank I paid them a visit this morning. It's oh-so-nice to have a light store that I can drive to and browse. VERY nice professional group of people. They also have a nice extensive inventory. Kudos to them. :clap:

I walked out of there with a Fenix L1D CE, some batteries and lanyard stuff. I wish my wallet was a bit fatter.

About the L1D.. Very nice EDC size IMO. It was hard to tell how small or large it was with the pictures online. I was shocked to see it was smaller than it seemed. The construction feels very solid and the LED is centered nicely. Love it so far. It's nice and bright. Now I have to figure out the modes.
Lighthound takes care of business. I ordered online Tuedsay night and had my stuff yesterday (Thursday) morning. Admittedly, it's only a couple of hundred miles for the USPS to deal with.

The only problem with the L0D CE is that low is too bright. How often do you hear that????
Great light! You'll have it mastered in no time. Got mine Monday and I've been using it all week:twothumbs Screw the bezel tight for turbo mode. (use clicky). Back bezel off 1 turn for regular mode. Click butt end switch on and cycle through levels by lightly pushing. Fully depress again for off.. Have fun!
I'm going to EDC mine without the holster. I don't find it cumbersome at all. To me it's just right. I used to EDC my Falcata. Now that's fat.
I put it in my pocket and I don't notice it. But I put it alongside my wallet, in a front pocket. It's not even visibly noticeable alongside it.

I started doing this on advice of my Chiropractor. Carry your wallet in your front pocket and your back will thank you for it. It doesn't seem like much, but your wallet in your back pocket will misalign your lower back slightly as you sit. If this is for hours a day like most people it makes a difference.
L1D-CE is a great light, but I'm among those who don't consider it pocketable. Even a Gerber Infinity is getting on the large size for me and the L1D is a good bit bigger than that. Mine rides in my laptop bag. L0D-CE in my pocket.

Of course EDC'ability is purely subjective, so if it works for you, great. I bet you just can't wait for the sun to set!