A Clicky with perfect ano, bezel that lines up, a tailcap that's fitted correctly,NO flashing bugs and NO tint problems!!!
Oh and NO moaning via email when someone shares these 'shortfalls' on a 'public forum'
I know, I know! I want to believe, I really do, but problems with one of Henry's other creations brings me to a point where I will have to think twice before I buy another of his products again.
Henry is a great guy, his designs are original and very well engineered - its seems that the actual manufacturing phase is letting him down. My Fenix lights are a lot better machined than all of my previous Henry lights -
one exception - my Twisty was beautifully machined!
I really do appreciate that some customers have received perfect lights with no problems and those people don't mind letting everyone else know of their fortune. But you do have to feel for the others - particularly in overseas locations who suffer one or more faults with these top of the line lights.
You read all the hype, a couple of guys get perfect lights, you buy one and get a dud. You then read more recent reports and discover that many others are now suffering the same problems as you.
I do have a keen interest of the release of new products if they exist. I will however, wait at least 3 months after release before buying and only after no faults are found by the early adopters.
As I said, I do want to believe - I want to support Henry and his business - I'm a small business owner and I know how tough it is.