The last of the special metal lights...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Quite literally, these are the last of the special metal lights.
Finally got mine made... only took a Henry two-weeks... or two months...
We don't just move slowly for everyone else, we move especially slowly for ourselves.
I present to you, the "Shelf Queens".
The serial numbers represent the total of each that was made, not the total offered to the public. I had to have the last ones simply so I could remember how many of each were actually made... or rather, so I wouldn't have to remember and could just reference the shelf.


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Cool collection. Also good to know that you finalky also habe your special metal Lights done.

Now the question, was LED is is what light?
I figured I would use these as "test" lights and put in 519a emitters that we are testing. I also figured that once we release these emitters in our lights, I would have some around for comparison without having to dip into inventory. Honestly, these are just shelf queens as I don't intend on using them. Basically just a little shrine to some of the things I've accomplished at HDS other than upsetting lots of people of which I am particularly good at. I don't normally do flush tails, but I wanted these to tailstand for the display so the engraving on the bezel wasn't upside down.
Nichia 519A 5000 aluminum
Nichia 519A 2700 brass
Nichia 519A 3500 bronze
Nichia 519A 4500 BeCu
Nichia 519A 5700 stainless
Nichia 519A 5700 titanium
The 5000k and 5700k are basically the same at 5000k from testing.
I'll most likely dedome the bare aluminum one after testing it on the sphere so I can do a real direct comparison with data from before and after dedoming.
Serial numbers:
Aluminum 20
Bronze 25
Brass 50
Stainless 50
BeCu 75
Titanium 80
Geez, what a collection.. This is one of those rare priceless things that will show up in some auction a century from now alongside a T-Rex skeleton and a pair of M Jordan championship shoes and go for a gazillion dollars..
Geez, what a collection.. This is one of those rare priceless things that will show up in some auction a century from now alongside a T-Rex skeleton and a pair of M Jordan championship shoes and go for a gazillion dollars..
I would be OK with that as long as my great grandfather Sivert's watch is still in the family.
It did give me a chance to weigh them all without a battery. Weight in grams.
All Aluminum 83
HDS with aluminum tail 88
HDS with stainless tail 98
Titanium 110
Bronze 153
Stainless 160
BeCu 165
Brass 167


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Thanks for those photos Hogo, oughta shut my wife up when she starts on me about collecting...I only have 4, no 5, er, 7 HDS's. Jeez, where did they all come from?
