New to Lasers - Beam of Light Tech Laser Pointers


Jan 16, 2007
Hello everyone,

Well--I'm brand new to lasers (I'm usually over at the flashlight forums). I don't have any high power ones (yet :grin2: ), but have enjoyed reading through all the threads here. I don't plan on buying one any time soon, as I have a lot of learning to do (safety, technology, etc.). But I wanted to ask you guys about this greenie pointer here:

I wanted this pointer (or one like it), for a while--and several years ago, someone bought it for me as a gift. I love it, which I suppose is all that matters. But I just wanted to ask if anyone else has ever used them, if they are a good brand, if they are way overpriced, etc. Just curious really. Well--thanks for the help. Look forward to reading through some more threads. All the best,

Depends on if they are truly outputs of what they claim or if there is IR that is adding to the output. He claims the larger mw output lasers come with power graphs but I could send you a laser with a peice of paper saying it put out 200mw doesn't mean it is true. Without measuring the devices myself I wouldn't believe anybody elses claim of output power unless they were a truly repudable company like or wickedlasers. if your happy with it stick with it. I personally wouldn't buy anything from this retailer but I'm too picky.
His 5mw green pointers are a bit overpriced. why anyone would buy a factory tuned 5mw when you can get a 30mw that's going to have lots more output for $30 at dx is beyond me.
Wow Z-bolt... Come across their website a few times and took no notice of them.

Never heard of any one buying one of them so can't give you any real feedback.

For basic generic <5mW laser pointers $75 is way too much. If you really want a good value 5mW go for Atlas nova
I agree with kenom, go get a DX 30mw; it has a nice IR filter in it and gennerally outpuds slightly MORE than its rated @!

However, if you want power and look at the DX 200mw, dont expect 200+mw, there are a lot of issues with it and the power fluctuares anywhere from 70mw all the way upto 220 with one member... though >70mw (most are >100 IIRC) for $120 is a prety good deal.

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