New (to me) HDS EDC Basic 60


Feb 26, 2007
South Mississippi
As the title says I just got my new to me Basic 60. I have some questions. I did a search but did not find what I was looking for. I understand that I can get into the menu by clicking a gazillion times as opposed to 10 times for the Ultimate model. Can I change the brightness levels on this light by doing this? If possible I would like to change the secondary setting to be brighter, similar to the settings on my P2d. Can it be done and if so how do I do it?
I can see myself really getting attached to this light, wether I am able to change levels or not!
Thanks for your help.
Rest your thumb because you can expect to do over 750 clicks. You'll need to do 250 click to get into the options menu to disable the force setting so the light remembers the last level you were on. Then you need to turn it on to the secondary setting, then turn it off, then do 250 click plus a press to get to the brightness menu to change the secondary's brightness. Then you have to do another 250 clicks to get to the options menu to re-enable the force setting if you want to otherwise the light will just remember the last level you had it on instead of turning onto the primary setting. Good luck! Either way its a great light.

Follow this link:

Download the EDC Ultimate User's Guide. The instructions for programming your Basic are the same as for programming an Ultimate, except that whenever it says to click 10 times, you'll have to click 250 times.:shrug:

OK I'm an idiot! I clicked my happy a$$ off and finally got into the menu. However when I got there all I did was cycle through the options. How do I actually get to the option to disable force and then do it?
Type slowly and use small words. See first sentence.

Step One

250 clicks get you to the options menu. Each option is designated by different flashes. Single clicking will advance you through each option. Double clicking will reverse direction and single clicking will advance you through the options. (Think of it as walking down a hallway one step at a time and to turn around you have to take two steps. Once turned around you take single steps again.)

*250 Clicks*
Option 1. Strobe - the light strobes about once per second
Option 2. SOS - 3 quick flashes, 3 longer flashes, 3 quick flashes
Option 3. Locator Beacon - 1 dim flash every 3 seconds
Option 4. Force setting - denoted by one long flash

When you see the long flash you are on option 4. You press and hold the button for 2 seconds. The light will come on steady and turn off when its time to release the button. Now the Force setting is disabled.

Step Two
Now that the force setting is off, the light will remember the last level it was on. So if you were on maximun and turned it off the next time you turn it on again it will come on at the maximum. Put the light on to whichever level you want to change. In your case secondary and then turn it off.

Step Three
Now you have to do 250 clicks and a press (pushing for more than 2 seconds). The light will stay on after the press. Now you single click to cycle through each brightness settings. You will first be increasing the brightness. Each click will increase the brightness by one level. If you want to decrease you double click to reverse direction and then each click will decrease the brightness by one level (walking down hallway analogy) You can set any brightness you want. Once you get to the level you want, you press and hold the button. The light will come on steady and then turn off telling you its time to let go. That brightness is now selected for secondary

Step Four
Now you can set the light to come on at any of the four brightness levels. If you want it to come on to primary, set it on primary and then turn it off. If you want it to come on to maximum, set it on maximum and then turn it off. Once off now you have to repeat Step One all over again to re-enable the force setting.

Step Five
Rest your tumb
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