New to rechargeables


Newly Enlightened
Aug 17, 2007
Ft Myers FL
So I have a milky GOSSAMER build coming my way soon and Im having him include 6 IMR 123's with it. The way I want to do this is to keep 2 in the light, 2 fully charged in my pocket and 2 on the charger keeping up with the cycle. I need a charger or chargers that can do this. I hope Im not jumping into this too hard too soon but I hope you guys can help me out. Ive heard the Pila IBC is good but also around $40 bucks. And if theres any other info on the ins and outs would be helpful. These will be my first rechargeables. Thanks for any help.

I think the Pila IBC is well worth the money, but then again, I use it almost every night. You may find this other thread of interest:

The 2x123 Gossamer is a nice EDC size. Small. Lightweight. Easily packed.

And bright! :devil:

Personally, I find slightly larger lights more suitable for my night walks. So, I tend to use the Gossamer with a 2x18500 tube. link

(Not sure how much runtime I gain using the regular AW 18500's. At least double the IMR 16340's. :shrug:)

BTW: If you would like to change your mind and run the Gossamer on 2x18500's, please ask Scott about it. He may have a spare tube that he could afford to let go. He's very good about doing his very best to please the customer.
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I wonder if the 18500s can handle the current draw without the protection circuit kicking in. Anyone knows?
I wonder if the 18500s can handle the current draw without the protection circuit kicking in. Anyone knows?

I asked Scott (Milkyspit) about whether the 18500's needed to be IMR's. He said that the regular 18500's would work fine. Only for the smaller 16340 did he recommend using IMR's.

In practice, I've found the heat build up to be the limiting factor in how long I run the light on max; not the drawdown. About six minutes is the most I can tolerate comfortably. More than that and I have to alternate hands or hold the light further down the barrel. Rather than go to such extremes, I do the prudent thing - I lower the output or turn it off.

(Scott said that the Gossamer would take the heat better than I would. So far, he's right!)
Haha I can tell you like the light and I hope I do too! How do you recommend the 139 as my primary charger? I dont have any other rechargeables and really dont plan on getting any at the moment, the Gossamer really emptied my pockets. Also, another question, if I leave the batteries on overnight or anything where I cant get to them, how will that effect the IMR's? I hope this will be easy for me cause I dont really want to go into such a complicated battery configuration.

Personally, I ...
... check the voltage of my cells before charging;
... check the voltage after charging;
... never leave cells in the charger unattended;
... have the charger on a cutoff timer, as a failsafe, should I ever forget;
... remove the cells as soon as they are fully charged;
... use AW cells because of I have confidence in their reliability;
... use a Pila IBC charger because I have confidence in its reliability.

I make no recommendations on how to properly use the WF 139. You should be aware of AW's warning on charging IMR's:

Attention : These IMR cells have much lower internal resistance than regular LiIon 3.7V cells and they may end up with a higher ending voltage when charged in certain chargers ( especially older version WF-139 charger ). Please check the voltage of them right out of the charger to see if they are above 4.20V when fully charged with your charger. Overcharging above 4.25V may shorten life/cycles. Above 4.50V may even pop them or making them leak. DO NOT use the charger if it seems to overcharge IMR cells.

My understanding of IMR's are that they employ "safe" chemistry and are much less of a fire hazard than conventional Li-CO rechargeable cells.

However, the IMR's have no built-in protection circuit. So, the risk in overcharging is less of your house burning down and more of your cells being permanently damaged. Cell life may also be shortened by overdischarging them.
So I have to look for a multimeter lol, and a socket timer. Ok well Ill be saving up some more lol. I have a little bit to wait.
Newer 139's are pretty decent chargers. They're not the best but they are servicable for those on a budget. Don't leave the batteries in the charger for too long after the light turns green, mine doesn't overcharge even after 6 hours (yes I was present and costantly checking it) but you never know if it might start doing so. I keep close eye on how it's behaving and won't hesitate to chuck it if it starts acting up. The cutoff timer is a great idea. To use the wf139 all you'll need are some 15mm charging spacers. Lighthound/aw sells them or you can make your own out of whatever (I used woodscrews with the sharp end ground off wrapped in electrical tape while I was waiting for my spacers).
I ordered the Pila IBC from milky, he gave me such a good deal and heavily told me to go with these, only the best for my milky haha.

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