New, unprotected UF 14500's, 1.9V & 2.5V - Safe?


Sep 6, 2007
Brighton, UK
Well, I've just received 3 unprotected Ultrafire 14500's from their ebay shop and two are 1.89V and 2.54V (the other is 3.8V, so I'd say that was OK). The packaging says they are charged when they are 4.2V and discharged when they are 2.75V. They have never been used as they were blister-packed.

I'm trying to get them replaced but if I can't do that should I just bin them?

Would it be dangerous to try to charge them up using a WF-138 (250mA charge current)?

Any comments appreciated.
this seems to be a really common trend with the UF cells, and is one reason why we routinely suggest against them.... I'd say try to get them replaced, and make them pay shipping for the old cells back if they want them. I don't think I would accept a "new" cell reading less than 3.5V. Next time around, go with AW cells, and go protected to increase your safety.
Thanks. Yes I ORDERED protected, don't think I will be buying from them again! :duh2: Just waiting to see what they say on Monday/Tuesday and investigating what they did send in the mean time. I honestly thought they might be protected but checking the picture, the Protected definitely had a label saying so and were grey rather than blue. Good thing I check the voltages. :)

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