New User Intro


Aug 20, 2002
Yorba Linda, California, U.S.A.
Welcome, Rider!
I signed up here to ask one question and now I visit 3-5 times daily! It's a very cool group here, I know because I belong to some of the....ahem, looser forums.
I remember my cheesy Boy Scout 90 degree flashlight and it's dull yellow beam. NO MORE!
Now I wow most of my freinds with perfect white!
Stick around and ask away!



Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2002
Hillsdale Lake, Kansas
I guess I'll sign in too, as a new member. I just registered last night, after lurking for about 3 weeks now.

I came to grips with my flashaholism this past Halloween. I came home from work to eat lunch, and threw my Magcharger on the charger in preparation of leading the kids around the neighborhood, while tossing massive amounts of photons into the darkness. As the sun set, the kids in custumes, I went into the garage to fetch my Magcharger. I turned it on, and "flash". Bulb blew on me. No problem. Reached for the spare, and found the filament was broken. Panic set in. Which light to use now? My wife stated, "can't you use one of your other 20 or so flashlights you have laying around". But she didn't understand. I wanted to use THAT light, for THAT night, for THAT reason. No other one would work for me. Almost in tears (and the kids also because I said I didn't feel like going Trick or Treat'ing now), I resorted to using my 5 D Mag, with my Solitaire Mod in my pocket for candy-bag inspections. Oh well, that's how it goes. I've already got my LR00001's restocked.

Thought I'd say hello. Great board here, no flame wars (just good ol' natured picking on folks), helpful people, great resources and even a manufacturer stopping in. Finally found some people like myself. My name is Chris, and I'm a flashaholic.

I'm in the process of rerouting some funds (sneaking money from wife) to purchase an EDC to replace my Solitaire Mod. Looking at an E1e, ARC-LS or possibly an E2e. I'm just having a hard time figuring out which one to stick in my pocket, without having too many "are you glad to see me, or is that a...." comments while walking around the office. Just need something small to: look to a server in the lab, find dropped things behind the dresser, walking the dogs, working on the car, just everyday tasks. Any input on the SF or ARC would be helpful. (I've read all the boards, just looking for input on size/output comparisons). Until there is a form factor like the ARC-AAA with the output of a Magcharger with the price of less than $10, I am leaning towards the E1e (with a KL1 in the future).

Thanks a bunch, and I'm sure I'll be sleeping in the dog house with many of my new lights I have started making wish-lists about.


Aug 17, 2002
welcome both of you to this forum!

saunterer, if you are looking for an edc to replace your solitare, you must get an arc aaa, brigher smaller, cooler, indestructable...the list goes on. owning one is basically an unwritten requirement to join the forum
and you can purchase an arc ls, e1e, or e2e to complement it. both surefire and arc lights are of the highest quality and i would recommend both to anyone. of the the arc ls, e1e, and e2e, the arc ls is the smallest, lasts the longest, is the most durable, and produces the smoothest whitest beam, the batteries are also much cheaper, and you have options of how you want to power it. but it is about twice as expensive. the e1e and e2e are both exeptional lights, with great light output for their size, the arc ls and e1e are about the same in brightess, but the e1e has a slightly better throw in comparison. being a flashaholic myself, i say...get them all! if it comes down to an e1e or an arc ls, the arc ls would be my choice.

gps rider, we are all very proud to have contributed to your re-addiction.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2002
Hillsdale Lake, Kansas

Thanks, that's exactly what I was needing to know. I've read all the reviews, looked at all the specs and just needed that extra input to help me along. Now that I have multiple Maglites (from sol to the magcharger), my scorpion, my numerous Petzl's, Princeton Tec's and Pelicans, I guess it's natural progression to start into the SF and ARC line of lighting, and beyond.

I knew I had to get an ARC-AAA before I even registered here, and am planning on obtaining one in the next few days.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2002


Aug 17, 2002
>>Both are extremely powerful lights that should NOT be shorned at anyone's face includig yours when on.<<

that's the reason i don't own either of them, i couldn't resist...

ok, i lied, the reason i don't own them is the price...

btw, what does shorned mean?

GPS Rider

Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2002
When I was a young man, I thought flashlights were really cool. When everyone else was collecting stamps or comics or guns, I was hooked on flashlights. Pretty quick, though, it got hard to explain that to people. I mean, this was way before maglights were commonplace and the best penlight you could find was a piece of aluminum junk. Back then, people used to ask me if I stole my maglight from a cop (and we called them B-lights; whatever happened to them, anyway?). Growth of my collection stopped...

Watching the maglight explosion was great. It meant I could carry a mini-mag and not get asked stupid questions like, "what, are you afraid of the dark?" They just didn't understand that we were simply ahead of our time!

So what a great treat to find CPF and all the great folks here! I've been lurking for some time and I'm really impressed with the passion and intelligence of the regulars, not to mention a devotion to courtesy which is rare to find on the Internet. You guys are great.

A little about me: I work in emergency services and while I have limited experience with lighting tools compared to you guys, I have extensive experience with rechargable batteries, two-way radios, and have lots of time in the field. Hopefully my experiences can be useful to the forum.

I've recently acquired my first SureFire, an e2e, and my first LED light, an Arc AAA, and I have to thank and blame you all for those purchases. Thanks for helping me pick out the right products, but you are all to blame for reigniting my passion for (expensive) flashlights.
After a long dry spell, the collection is growing again.

While I am impressed with the quality of SureFire products, I am a even more a StreamLight fan due to their great value, which is a balance of usability, quality, and price. That said, I hope to acquire more of both, and I'll try not to hold the forum accountable.


P.S. Isn't the Internet great for personal validation?