NEWBIE QUESTION (parallel led)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2008
Hi, i'm new at this kind of electronics and i would like to ask you something.

What kind of driver should i use in this application?


In this case i would have +/- 3.6v and since i'm using rechargeable battries of 2500mAh in parallel i still have the same 2500mAh "Theoretically". (I'm from Portugal and i must use this kind of battery because it is the most usual in the market)

I already made that kind of aplication but with some changes I used 3+3 batteries to change from 2500mAh to 5000mAh and no driver. What kind of advantages and disavantages can i get with the driver?

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Re: Parallel LEDs


If you put the three cells in series you would have 3.6 V and 2500 mAh capacity. With them in parallel like in your drawing you have 1.2 V and 7500 mAh.

You also have drawn the three LEDs in parallel, which is not the best way to do it, because if they have different operating voltages then they will draw different current. If the LEDs' operating voltages are quite close then it will work, perhaps a bit unevenly.

What current do you want to run each LED at?
Re: Parallel LEDs

The way I would do it would be to use 3 separate AMC7135 drivers (they're cheap enough to do this), put those three cells in series and run the three drivers in parallel and have each run a single LED.