Night Lightning R2 upgrade

Has anyone tried the Night Lightning iBlaast II with the Cree R2 emitters?
I have the P4 version and it's pretty bright. I wonder if it's worth an upgrade?

hi i have the iblast 2 with the triple cree r2's. very impressed with the output but only have a cheap 1 watt led to compair it too.
Well, I just ordered the upgrade with the narrower beam- Happy birthday to me.
I'll let you know how it works out, and try for some beamshots before I mod my P4 Nightlightning.
Well, I just ordered the upgrade with the narrower beam- Happy birthday to me.
I'll let you know how it works out, and try for some beamshots before I mod my P4 Nightlightning.

I would be nice to see or hear how it performs compared to tesla and wilma. 3 x R2 at 1A should give almost the same output as the older version of wilma.
I got the upgrade installed. Not to hard to do.

It's definitely brighter than the p4. The 10 degree combination optic with diffuser gives lots of flood and a fair bit of throw.

I wish there had been a slightly narrower choice in beam. I think ideal would have been one 5 degree optic and 2 10 degree ones, but it's a combo optic.