Nitecore Batteries


Newly Enlightened
Mar 19, 2014
My husband is likely to buy a Nitecore TM26 but doesn't know much about the battery differences. We both thought that the only differences between the 2300, 2600, 3100, and 3400 mAh was endurance, charge times and price. I've read in other threads that 3,400 mAh batteries from Panasonic don't work as well with higher loads than the lower batteries like the 2600.

How do each of the Nitecore batteries perform in the TM26 and are there any better batteries from other manufacturers?
The Sanyo protected 2600s do pretty well under heavy loads. Whether NC uses these cells in their 2600s is the question. If you're looking at high drain cells, something like the Panasonic NCR18650PF hybrids are good, but they're not protected and you'll need to monitor them.

With protected cells, you're at the mercy of the particular protection circuit. Some are higher and some are lower.

You might want to look at the tested cells here: UK.html

It seems that while protected cells will work well in 'monster lights' taking multiple cells, the protected cells with lower cut-off circuits can be a problem, cutting the light off, possibly prematurely.

Just button top cells (not flat top)
As said Sanyo or Panasonic ,higher the mah then longer running time .I would look at 3100 or 3400 mah,4 of either just make sure same make/batch .

I have a few nitecore cells,being honest your paying for the wrap .Green protected Panasonic cells 3400mah will do very well and probably 1/2 the price.The nitecore will have Panasonic inside anyway,you pay more $$ for their own protection and wrap.

If you struggle with 3400mah(hard to find maybe depending on where you live)I purchased some 3100mah keeppower cells .Protected,and came to under $40 delivered for the 4.With a heavy drain light (3800lm) I would not go lower than 3100mah myself ,however if top cells off after use it's no biggy......
With a heavy drain light (3800lm) I would not go lower than 3100mah myself ,however if top cells off after use it's no biggy......

You need to look at the current draw of your light. 3.4A is a lot of current, but there ARE some lights that draw more than that. For those lights, what is the point of using high capacity cells if those cells weren't designed to deliver that much current?

Panasonic makes some 2900mAh cells referenced above safe for 10A constant discharge currents, while the 3400mAh is best to keep 3.4A or lower. Not to say 3.4A is piddly. Just, you might want to use something else if you are considering draining a cell at like, 8A or something nuts like that.
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Agree,but 4x 3400 panasonic protected cells are fine as its spread over the 4 cells.

I use the above in a tk75vn with 4400lm,higher A and issue free