Nitecore clip fits...?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 26, 2006
So, the clip for the d10 fits the d10...but the holes on the ezaa look about right to fit it...

Has anyone tried it?

Any other lights that the nitecore clips fit?

Thanks in advance,
The backing plate is curved to specifically fit the light it's made for. The EZAA is much smaller in diameter.
I've done it. I had to cut the back plate in half and make the clips' diameter slightly smaller but after half an hour, it was great. On "EZAA - vote for your clip or etc" page three someone else did it also. search that thread and you'll see it.
I've done it. I had to cut the back plate in half and make the clips' diameter slightly smaller but after half an hour, it was great. On "EZAA - vote for your clip or etc" page three someone else did it also. search that thread and you'll see it.
