Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips (with pics of fix)


Aug 5, 2007
Andover, Ohio

Its not the clip that sucks, but the screws are stupid. Extremely poor quality and the holes in the retaining bracket seem to be over sized.

Tomorrow I am going to drill and tap the retainer bracket to 4-40 and use a grade 8 hex button head screw if I have some at the shop. If not I might have to use cap screws until I get the right ones.

Its frustrating since I sent the first clip (for the D10) back to the dealer because the holes were over sized in the retaining bracket so the screws never had a chance to tighten.

Then I was dumb enough to order the clip for the EX10 and it had the same issue.

First, drill the hole to the proper size. Second, use a number H2 tap that will leave a hole with tight tolerance. How hard is that?

The lights are great!
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Re: Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips

You musta got one from a bad batch. Don't give up. My new clip for my D10 arrived in Oz six days ago from 4sevens and it went on without a hitch. Nice and tight and has been holding the torch firm in my overalls top pocket through thick and thin since then. It's easily the best clip on any of the torches I own.
Re: Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips

I didn't have a problem either with my clip I received 3 days ago, but the wrench doesn't fit exactly, you tighten to one point and then the wrench just slips out of the screw...

Well, I think the clip is tightened enough, I also tightened the existing clips on my EX10 a little bit, as they were somewhat loose. Perhaps the one who installed them had a worse wrench than mine? I don't have another one that fits at home. :wave:
Re: Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips

I noticed my clip loosening yesterday. I though it was bent, but it was merely loosening slightly.

After I get done with it today it will never come loose.
Re: Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips

I fixed them today. I did not have button head hex screws so I just used 3-48 x 3/16" hex head cap screws temporarily until I can get the button head screws.

The inner bracket was made out of tough material. I had to power tap it with the mill to get the tap to start. The actual clip holes had to be drilled out, which was extremely easy to screw up with the tiny piece of material above the hole. Then I had to file the outer opening into a slot to allow the screws to line up with the inner holes.

Both inner brackets bent some while I was trying to tap them. I had to carefully re-bend the radius with a vice and my fingers. Had to have the radius to get the holes to line up and even get the inner bracket to go back in.

It came out really strong. I just need to get the button head screws since they will contact much more of the clip to help hold things tight over time.


Re: Nitecore D10 and EX10 pocket clips

Good job on the mod batmanacw. I have to admit I wasn't really impressed with the clip I got either.
I haven't had a problem with either of the EX10 clips I've used. That fix looks really strong, and should look good with the smaller screw heads.
looks like a good application for LocTite threadlocker. I've used it many times for knife clips, and small machine applications. There are LOTS of different formulations, I've used #290 and some of its relatives for small threaded parts w/ great success.

Its not the clip that sucks, but the screws are stupid. Extremely poor quality and the holes in the retaining bracket seem to be over sized.

Tomorrow I am going to drill and tap the retainer bracket to 4-40 and use a grade 8 hex button head screw if I have some at the shop. If not I might have to use cap screws until I get the right ones.

Its frustrating since I sent the first clip (for the D10) back to the dealer because the holes were over sized in the retaining bracket so the screws never had a chance to tighten.

Then I was dumb enough to order the clip for the EX10 and it had the same issue.

First, drill the hole to the proper size. Second, use a number 2 tap that will leave a hole with tight tolerance. How hard is that?

The lights are great!

I had the same disapointment and had to epoxy the clip and screws in place
looks like a good application for LocTite threadlocker. I've used it many times for knife clips, and small machine applications. There are LOTS of different formulations, I've used #290 and some of its relatives for small threaded parts w/ great success.

I must agree and have had good luck with the red (super strong) loctite and questionable threads. FYI Loctite screws and bolts can be removed if heated with a heat gun

I must agree and have had good luck with the red (super strong) loctite and questionable threads. FYI Loctite screws and bolts can be removed if heated with a heat gun


There is no locktite that can make a screw bigger in dia. or make a threaded hole smaller in dia. There was not enough thread in the hole to properly engage. 1 gallon of locktite wouldn't do it.

I did use blue locktite, which is plenty if the thread engagement is correct.

I ordered the button head screws. Cost me $19 for 100. Sounds silly to buy so many, but I have a machine shop so its nice to have odd sizes on the shelf. 3/16" only had to be shortened a tiny bit to not hit the button riser.
I've never had a problem with my D10 clip screws once I bought a proper 1.3mm hex wrench to use on them. They tighten up nicely and never loosen.
I have to say, now that the clip is firmly attached to the light, it is one of the strongest clips on any of my lights.

I have bent the crap out of surefire clips many times. Enough that I started ordering extras, which I went through by the time I gave my E2D away.

Less than half my lights have pocket clips. Most of the time I like to have the light in the bottom of my pocket so I can reach in easier.

It is nice to see they made the actual clip so sturdy. Now the screws are sturdy as well. I can't wait until next week when the screws come in! More pictures will be forthcoming when I get it together. I will locktite the screws once I get them in.
Agreed the clip is well made,but the back plate and the screws are too soft.It's way to easy to strip the back plate.I wish Nitecore would make the clip set up heavy duty like yours.
That would make a great light even better.
Agreed the clip is well made,but the back plate and the screws are too soft.It's way to easy to strip the back plate.I wish Nitecore would make the clip set up heavy duty like yours.
That would make a great light even better.

The steel they made the back plate out of is quite tough. Its just the tolerances of the holes and screws. The fit of the wrench is also a joke.

I had a heck of a time trying to hand tap the back plate. The tap wouldn't start. I ended up machine tapping it, which means I chucked up the tap in the chuck of the mill and ran the mill as I drove the tap into the material. I turned the mill power off as it cut the threads deep enough. It is a hair raising experience without a tapping head!:faint:

Don't want to break a tap on something like this! Just got to keep everything straight and turn the mill off before bad things happen! 3-48 is a small tap.
Finally received and installed my screws. They worked like a charm with one little problem. The backing plate broke on the EX10. I had to drive the tap pretty hard to get it into the material. This created a lot of internal stress in the backing plate. Now I wish I had used a drill bit that was .005" oversized. It would have limited the over all thread depth, but put much less stress on the material. Live and learn. I guess I will be paying for another clip and then having an extra clip.


Over all I am pleased with the fix. Nitecore needs to get their heads straight about these clips. I emailed them to see if they can sell me a backing plate by itself.
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Today I got a new D10 and couldn't install the clip, the screw holes on two back plates are too wide, thew screws just won't stay in... :oops:

It's the first clip that makes problems, I had a spare clip, but its back plate doesn't work either. Nitecore should really make those beter quality, I tried to bring one in shape with pliers, it bent very easily, I guess it had a material error. They give you 4 screws with each clip, which is great, they should provide 2 back plates as well.

I contacted the dealer, the official distributor for Nitecore in UK and I hope that I get another back plate or two and hope they'll work, the lights look so much beter wih the clip! :huh:
At least the new SP camo D10 comes with the clip already installed. I am definitely happy with that. I have mounted 3 D10 and EX10 clips without problems, so I am really due for a couple failures!

I wonder if the other two colors of the SP D10 have the clip installed too?
I must be lucky. I got a clip for my EX10 shortly after they were made available for sale, and it's been riding strong ever since.
At least the new SP camo D10 comes with the clip already installed. I am definitely happy with that. I have mounted 3 D10 and EX10 clips without problems, so I am really due for a couple failures!

I wonder if the other two colors of the SP D10 have the clip installed too?

Hey, where did you find the SP D10 CAMO for sale? :whistle:

I am also looking for EX-10 clip that would fit the new SP models but after reading this thread, I am a little weary with all the problems ya'll been having.