NiteCore Defender Infinity

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Jun 6, 2003
Review up, enjoy.
Keep in mind that this is of the ES. Production version may have slight differences.

Images consolidated from the other thread:


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Review up, enjoy.
Keep in mind that this is of the ES. Production version may have slight differences.

x2x3x2 thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this review, it is appreciated by me and I hope some of the other respect the time you put into this.

Thanks again :thumbsup:
Nice review:twothumbs

Can't wait to get my production version.

Just one small thing: Why call it short runtime when it runs longer than a P2D at similar brightness? :thinking: :poke:

Thanks for reviewing this light! I've been away for a while and after catching the bug again, I've been eyeing this light as my next purchase. From the specs, it seems to be the perfect AA Cree light. I bought my dad a CL-E so I've had experience with one, so how would you compare those two lights? When you say runtime is below average, why do you think that is? Inefficient circuity or due to the high Vf of the Q5? I'm also impressed so see that it has a longer runtime to 50% with a 14500 vs. an Eneloop. I figure it bypasses the circuitry and just direct drives the LED, but does anyone have any insight into this?
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Thanks, a lot, for a great review! Been waiting for this review a while. And it's also very appreciated that you took some time from your studies. I'm also at university, and I know how stressfull it can be.
finally a review.

i was thingking of geting this light but Fenix T1 might steal the thunder at least for me anyway.
x2x3x2 thank you, nice review as usual.

An improvement of runtime will be welcome, with the 14500 looks good, AA probably is the best available on max , at any rate ...
Now it's time to wait our NiteCore Defender shipment :naughty:
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Why can't they make a CR123 or 2xCR123? who really wants to use 14500 anyways. As far as for AA runtime is a joke. This should be the ultimate chinese tactical light but AA or 14500 are not up for the task.
Thanks for the review! Looks like using a 14500 is seriously the way to go with this one.

Do you think you could do a runtime graph with a Energizer Lithium cell? That is what I'm planning on using in mine so I was wondering how well they perform with them. Thanks!
As far as for AA runtime is a joke.

Runtime on AA is quite good. It has 30% brighter hotspot than L1D with MOP reflector (next 20-30%). Don't forget that Sanyo eneloop has only 2000mAh, with 2700 model you'll get 1 hour runtime (and that's good for this level of brightness).

Spare smooth reflector would be very interesting option:D
I agree on this with phantom23. I was first disappointed with the AA runtime, and especially regulation - but the graph shows the highest setting which is probably drawing a lot of juice from the Eneloop - it's a battery limit. We will have to wait for the real lumen numbers, so we can compare it to other flashlights. But just judging from the lux spot/spill, it seems to be bright.
I hope the regulation on AA is going to be more "flat" on lower levels.
I don't see how we can gripe and moan about runtime until we know what the current draw at the tail cap is on high. Runtime will depend upon how much power is being drawn from the battery. :tsk: This flashlight is not going to break the laws of physics and deliver more total power than the battery contains.

Runtime should be much better at a lower power setting, however because of the way this flashlight ramps smoothly it would be impossible for x2x3x2 to quantify where he is for a "medium setting." The lowest setting runtime would likely be days long. The light seems to work as advertised; ~50 minutes on high w/ an Eneloop.

My first question is in the runtime graph it says 1XAA 100%... to the side it lists runtime on an eneloop, but the graph doesn't specifically state whether or not this is an Alkiline AA or a NiMh AA (and what capacity NiMh this is... I assume it is a LSD Eneloop @ ~2000mAh)
Second, strobe has been mentioned with this light, but I do not see any references to it in the review. Does your review sample have a strobe mode? How is is accessed? Can it be set to the user defined bezel position?

Thanks a lot for the review. I finally understand how the UI works now. :)

My fellow CPF members, I spoke with FASTCAR on the telephone today and he requested that I post his review of the Nitecore Defender. He will be "on vacation" for another 29 days but felt it important that his review would be posted as he is aware that many members are anticipating reviews on this much anticipated flashlight which has generated so much interest.


Smaller in person then I expected.Not as long as my middle finger and about as thick.
HAIII is dark, I would call it a brown/black.It is HAIII for sure as I have tried to scratch it.
Diamond texture is great
Has flat sides to prevent rolling on a table
Will NOT tailstand..and I dont care
Clickey is a nice size and works fine
Looks "cool" and Hi-Tech
Outside build quality is top notch
Internal quality is also nice
Threads came kinda dirty.Cleaned em and used my favorite lube.Threads are thicker/better then most asian made lights.Smooth as glass now..Surefire smooth.
Head side contact was dirty.Cleaned it and spring with Deoxit.Only took 2 swabs.
Inside battery tube has some anti corrode coating I assume.It is a brass color
Came with the best made lanyard I have EVER seen...not that I will use it...but man its nice.
EASILY fits in any pocket
MUCH more rugged then most other asian small light..tank like
Sharp 3 prong crown shape bezel...this WILL take flesh off a human if you wack them with it ! WILL head stand just fine,despite what others think.Unless a 90 MPH wind wont fall over
Great feel
well under 4' long I can palm this light and it can NOT be seen

The Good Stuff :
Glass is VERY clear and spotless.I have NO way to test the diamond coating. That said, it is as good or better then ANY glass I have tested.VERY clear
LED is in the center
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Reflect area is Orange Peel and kinda deep for such a little light
This light has a Titanic output for such a small AA format light...I was quite shocked by the output
Doing run time now.ALK was much flatter then I assumed and better then the chart shows. Stays nearly flat for a good 35-40 mins then dims slowly for 10 more mins.has 10 more "moonlight" mins b4 it dies.For an ALK battery im very impressed.
Got 2 brand new Wolf Eyes "14500" running it as I type now.It has a nearly flat output for roughly 1:05 so far..impressive
Sadly I loaned my box and lux meter to a fellow CPFer, By eye this light is roughly 120 lumens on an ALK...perhaps 150 on a "14500"
Mine is VERY white
Little to no yellow ring
VERY usable beam...wide enough spot and plenty of spill
Center spot and spill blend soft and smooth
It is funny to shame a stock 2 foot long, 4 pound Mag with 6 D batts with this lil guy.
Works as told and shown on video.Easy to work and NP at all.Similar to a Lightflux for whatever reason.I like that it starts on High. I like that strobe is super easy to get to..but NOT in the way.
The dimming is fantastic and super easy to use.I cant say how low it goes...but..for the low lumen lovers..this thing goes L O W !

As yall may know, our lights are "beta".That, said this light is still better then most in its size and price range.

My thoughts:
Great small light
Top notch build
Dimming feature that will not break the bank
EDC-able for sure..may replace my loved Amilite T5
I will keep this light
This is NOT a shelf queen show pice..this is a REAL "EDC" tool

Final thoughts:
The big question for many.......Should I get this light?
Well,this IS the CPF ! Many here collect or "use" quite a few lights.
I.M.O. This light is worth owning and giving to people you care about.
To each his own..I like it alot.
Would I pay 150$ for this light?
Would I pay 100$ for this
Is 40-70$ about right?...................yes
This light DOES exist. This light DOES work as claimed.

****On a side note : I like that this Nitecore came out of no-where and is a home run instantly. I like the idea of the "beta" test.I look forword to other EDGE products and hope I can test/own them.
Thank You EDGE for a great product and my sample to test![/font]
Best wishes and good luck with future products.
On my: Bang-For-The-Buck-O-Meter..I rate this light at 60 bucks.......8 / 10......the production version may well be a 9 / 10

As I ( FASTCAR) am on "vacation" for a month, Please feel free to call or Email me with any questions or comments..I am not able to recieve PM or post for 29 days.

[email protected]
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x2x3x2 - Thanks very much for the review. :thanks:
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Thanks robo21 and FASTCAR!
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Thanks guys for the reviews.

I am puzzled by your comment X2X3X2 about poor runtime. From looking at both the Fenix P2D and Novatac 120P that you tested, which I regard as pretty efficient lights, the NightCore is brighter and runs longer on high with the 14500 cell. The runtime on an Eneloop is less but given the battery capacity and high output setting is expected. I would think (and hope) that the runtime would be very good when used at a more realistic light output. The NightCore output and runtime on the 14500 is not far off from a P3D on RCR123's - impressive!

I like the idea of being able to use a rechargable lithium cell to gain efficiency with the higher voltage and also have the ability to use common AA cells. Output/runtime appears like it will still be very good with a NiMh when used at reasonable output levels. This light is sounding very good so far.

I am looking forward to receiving mine.
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Review up, enjoy.
Keep in mind that this is of the ES. Production version may have slight differences.

Thanks for the review. Is there anyway you could do a rough test with primary lithiums (even a good guess will work for me). The output and runtime on e2's will end up determining whether or not I buy this light.
Hi Chad,

Here is a rough guesstimate. Look at the runtime for the Eneloop. A primary Lithium Energizer has approximately twice the capacity of an Eneloop

(Eneloop = 1.25 volts X 2000mA = 2.5 WH; Enegizer = 1.7 volts X 2950mA = 5 WH). 2.5 watt hours vs 5 watt hours energy.

This is a crude guesstimate but should give an idea of almost twice the runtime. I would think at least 50 percent more runtime.
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