Newly Enlightened
May 27, 2020
Hey guys and gals,
This is my first post here so, here goes,
I bought my EK4 about 2 months ago and love it, except for one thing. I work on copiers for a living so I am in and out of my car all day, laying in the floor in offices working on their copier. I guess I'm trying to say, I'm in a lot of positions for the large power button to be depressed accidentally. Since purchasing, I have melted the velcro flap on the holster and burnt a hole in a nice jacket I have.This thing is DANGEROUS! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it, but is a fire hazard! My question is, Is there a lock on the power button? I try to make sure it is on the lowest setting, but, if you hold the button down by sitting up against the seatbelt or something, it's on TURBO or FIRE SETTING mode. I don't wanna stop wearing it. Someone make my day and tell me there is a secret lock button setting on it somewhere.
There's no lockout function on the E4K, according to the manual. You'd have to back out the battery cover far enough so the switch will not activate the light.

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There is no electronica lock out on the E4K, but you can do mechanical lock out by loosening the tail cap a half a turn.
Yeah, I thought about that after I posted. It doesn't take much of a turn at all to lock out with tailcap. Maybe 1/8th of a turn.
Thanks for the replies
No more driving down the road with the sudden feeling of your pants being on fire! :shakehead

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