Noob; Need a Smallish EDC Bright Light


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2008
Just like it says: total noob here. I've lurked around from time to time over the last few months and here I am with a question you've all probably read 500 times. Hopefully the 501st time won't be too much.

I'm looking for a small light, the smaller the better for EDC. I need it to be very bright; the smaller and brighter the better.

What I need it for 90% of the time is general purpose duty. Dog walking, fishing, hiking, you name it. Mags and minimags, as well as a short-lived Inova X1 (not the light's fault) have fulfilled these duties in the past. I think I'm ready to trade up. 10% of the time duty is of course what costs the most, and I guess why you guys all have dozens and dozens of lights. For these special occasions, I'd like to be able to blind a hungry LA coyote that is intent on eating my vaguely bunny-rabbit looking dog. He's a spaniel mix, but he's white and looks very very tasty. Also most of the time my dog walking is smack in the middle of the night. Knock on wood I've had no major problems yet with bogeymen, but I'd like to be prepared.

I greatly prefer the ability to use rechargeable batteries; there's too much crap in the landfill already. When push comes to shove I may content myself to regular c123's and recycle somebody else's trash just to bring me peace of mind.

US/Canada or Europe made ONLY. No Chinese. If your suggestion is a Fenix, thank you for taking the time to read but I won't consider them.

Lights I have been considering include: Surefire E1B, Surefire E1L, Novatac 120, and the mythical, hush hush Arc. I'm open to new suggestions or information.

I'm interested in the snap on filters for the Surefires; a red or green filter could come in awefully handy for night hiking and fishing. Any thoughts on utility and/or durability are very much welcome. Are there any options for filters on Novatac's or potentially the new Arc?

As a budget range, I'd like to keep things close to $100. If I have to spend more for something that is GREAT then I will, but with some reluctance.

I want a light that will not only work very very well, but will last a LONG time. I like to buy things that become my partner. Flexibility and reasonable cost of upgrades/accessories could be an important factor. Surefire seems to have some of this, but their upgrade heads seem to go for a similar price to a new light, this is in my mind not a viable option, since for the same price I could just buy a new light and have 2.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to your recommendations. :popcorn:
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If you want to go a little big and a lot of bright, check out the Fenix T1.
If you want real small, and reasonably bright, consider the Fenix L0D.
The Surefire backup (E1B) is probably another good one to consider, although I doubt it will be as effective as the T1 in a brightness contest. That being said, I have not received my SF E1B yet.

Fenix T1

Fenix L0D
Edit: How I can mis an entire paragraph in your post is beyond me... Sorry. Fenix just won't do.

If you don't like Fenix, then SureFire it is! Personally I'd try to pick up a used L1 before an E1B. I don't like the blind-first tailcap on the E1B.
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The OP has already said he wants an American made light, which excludes all the Fenix, DX, OLight, Lumapower, etc options.
It sounds like you should be considering a Surefire L1, or any other Surefire that meets your size preference. Unfortunately they have not yet produced a model using AA batteries. Be aware that virtually all lights are using some components from across the big pond.

I would think a Novatac 85 p or 120 p(more $$) with an 18650 extended tube would be a good option.I think lighthound still has them on his website.I reccommend the 85 for price reasons,its a lot cheaper than 120p.
Ive tried many multi lights,I think I like the novatac UI the best. My 2nd choice for Ui is Lightflux. Ive also got flupics ,clicky and twisty as well as jetbeams click on,followed by soft press to cycle thru modes,Lion cub Multi level UI,and off-hi-off-low switching modes. Ive not found any as handy as Novatac! It works like a mouse click,2 quick click,or 3 and memory mode(last remembered)momentary and burst.I cant think of anything else I would want.(strobe and sos are available,i chose not to use the,but if you want them they are in there.I finally understand why these lights have such a dedicated following.I find the size and shape near perfect.(I never go to press the lens like other lights.)
If you want really easy to upgrade, get a Surefire 6P(many drop-ins and parts available).


EDIT: forgot it can't be made in China. This removes a lot of options.
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I am curious. Are there any reasons you are excluding flashlights made in China? Are you just trying to help the American economy? As far as quality is concerned, while there is some chinese junk out there, there are many chinese flashlights that can stand up quite well in comparison to the best of the American lights, and of course, for a lot less money.
I don't think we need to go into the reasons for it, that could lead us down a very unproductive road....
I love both my E1B and E1L, but unfortunately neither one of them will take rcr123a's. That leaves us with the Novatac 120, which will take the rechargeable 123a's. I EDC my Novatac 120P. I love it's size, beautiful smooth beam, and UI. You can program it to any 4 levels you want, and after that....any of those levels is just a click away. No cycling through other levels to get to the one you want. Although I am a die hard SF fan, and carry my ML1 also(and a few others).....I never leave home without my Novatac. It is a rugged little 1 cell light that deserves the distinction that it has here at CPF.
For preference, Pickup a Seoul Modded HDS on BST.. You won't be disappointed. Pickup a couple of rechargeables and the charger from Lighthound and your good to go..

Surprisingly bright.. and multi-level to boot..

Good luck with you choice..

Gordon aka:skillet
My reasons for avoiding Chinese made are political and economic, not rascist. Don't think it's necessary to go into it more, especially including this post I have a grand total of two posts on this forum.

I know that it's unavoidable that some components will be made in Asia, like the LED's. There's just nothing I can do about it, and I don't want to be like Don Quixote yelling at a windmill. I'll fight the battles I can potentially win.

I have some potentially dumb questions:
Are the 45 Lumens of an E1L enough to temporarily blind a coyote? For that matter the 80 lumens of an E1B or the 100+ of the Novatacs, or am I just dreaming?

Is it the confirmed verdict on CPF that Surefires, especially the E1B and the E1L do not take rechargeables of any kind? Furthermore is there absolutely no chance that they will take rechargeables in the near future?

As I understand it, the Novatacs have bezels that are slightly smaller than surefires; if I used a silicon o-ring or something similar, could I use the snap on Surefire red or green filters?

Does anyone recommend the Lummi Orbs? Are they UK made, or just the cases?

Are c123s recyclable, or does one only have the option of proper disposal?

And an esoteric question: Surefire is an established brand, more than likely to be around for a good long while still. Is Novatac likely to be around in 10 years, all things being equal? In other words, a lifetime warranty is only really worth how long the company is around to service and honor warranties. As much as I like the Arc products, I'm somewhat skeptical of buying the new flashlight whenever it comes out, partly because of price, and partly because such a complicated flashlight will likely have problems at some point down the road, but it's possible they will go the way of the Dodo; is there any worry about such things with Novatac, or are they here for the duration?
I've read that it takes 65 lumens or more to effectively temporarily blind an attacker...don't quote me on this as I don't remember the source. However, most of my cree lights of varying intensities do just fine in this arena when your eyes are night adapted.

However, I seriously don't think you should rely on a flashlight to stop a coyote if it's intent on attacking your dog...especially since I often see them in loose packs. Pepper spray and a loud noisemaker/horn would be a better option.

If you're looking for a rugged, well made, american manufactured torch that takes your all means go for the Novatac's versatile, rugged, and very bright.

Esoteric Answer to your Esoteric Question:
No one knows for sure if Novatac can compete in the long term or if they'll be around for the long haul but their lights are well thought out, machined well, and they use good components. I think that's all you can really ask for. With all the companies that come and go..including huge, well established corporations, I really don't think you can really rely on a lifetime guarantee for any product. Besides, I doubt you'll be that concerned about this light in 10-20 years from now with LED technology moving so quickly. I

Novatac 120p has been proven here on CPF by some of the most demanding clientele. (BTW: I don't work for them or any flashlight manufacturer...they are just nice lights.)
If you want really easy to upgrade, get a Surefire 6P(many drop-ins and parts available).


EDIT: forgot it can't be made in China. This removes a lot of options.

Actually, that's a great suggestion. Get a Surefire 6P and it probably will last you the longest since you can swap the internals with a long list of separate modules. Take a look at this list:

Just be sure to pick only those components made in the US if you're concerned about that.

Also, the Lummi's are great lights and custom made in the UK by a CPF member.
You'll go over $100, but if you want all USA and rechargables, and bright, how about a Surefire 6P with a Malkoff M60 drop in and a pair or two of AW R123's? Can the batteries and charger be from Hong Kong? :)
Have you looked into the 2008 Inova lineup? They upgraded the LEDs in all of the T series, and they look VERY nice. Definitely the best bang for your buck of any U.S. made light.
Actually, that's a great suggestion. Get a Surefire 6P and it probably will last you the longest since you can swap the internals with a long list of separate modules. Take a look at this list:

Just be sure to pick only those components made in the US if you're concerned about that.

No, it's not a long list. All of them are made in China except Makeoff.
