Noob reviews (5 different folders)


Newly Enlightened
Sep 22, 2009
I'm new to the knife section. I have a total of 5 knives so far all mostly in the lower price range and all folders. Thought maybe a noob review might be of interest since my impressions are all really fresh.

here Goes..........

Byrd Meadowlark - Black

I do not have a Spyderco, but the design of this knife feels like a lot of thought was put into it. Probably because it was designed by Spyderco.

Pro's - no blade play at all, built like a tank, good ergonomics. Lock feels strong.
Con's - Black anodizing (or whatever it is) is not very polished as other knives and has some imperfect areas. hard to open/close.

HK Ally (Benchmade design)

I know this is not an authentic Benchmade, but the design is really good. Chinese made lower end steel ect.. i knew what I was getting. I would say it is the equivalent of the Byrd line of knives from Spyderco.

Pros- no blade play, nice blade, easy to open. Nice black anodizing.
Cons - not as strongly built as Byrd, lock isn't as secure

SOG Flash 1 and 2

Relatively low price for American made knife. Initially I thought this would be my first "real" knife. Very light and good design. This was the first knife(flash2) I got and i liked it so I bought the Flash 1 for when i needed a smaller knife.

pros- Good clip design for concealed carry (something i was looking for), fast opening, good blade. Cool looking and big.
Cons - blade play that makes the knife feel cheap and kind of ruins the experience.

Benchmade Mini Grip

This was my most expensive knife and truly the first "real" knife I've owned. feels more expensive in your hands compared to the rest of the knives i've bought(and that's before you even open it)

Pros - great fit and finish. feels sturdy, easy to open close.
Cons - Clip already chipping black paint. other than that perfect!!

Pics: (sorry taken with Droid)



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