Noob toys


Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2010
Hard to believe it was just about 1month ago that I picked up a 6P and now I have a Solarforce L2, L2M gun metal, and L2M black (on order).

Very addicting.

I carry the CRKT M16-04Z (tanto blade) and the Gerber multi tool with me most of the time. When I'm out with the wife's co-workers or friends I carry the CRKT M16-03Z (smaller spear tip) and the Juice KF4. Her friends/co-workers spook easy with talk about black rifles and the larger M16-04Z. Started carrying the L2M, but I will need a smaller cren head, it's poking the hell out of my cargo shorts pockets.




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It is what it is, in the fact that it's small and fairly light weight. The blade itself is a little on the thin side so it only gets used for small work. The serrated blade gets the most use for cutting rope and bigger work.

The file has been used a few times to form plastic or put and emergency edge on my Cold steel machete.

The saw on it is great though, and it gets used quite a bit. I take my two boys (6 and 7) hiking with me and the saw makes quick work of fallen tree branches for walking sticks.

The pliers are alright and I have used them for stripping and cutting wires. I've also used them for work, on small locking mechanisms.

I picked it up from a discount store while the wife shopped. I believe I paid $18 for it.
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Okay, I need to know. What universal law married pocket knives, small flashlights and Leathermen together.

:thumbsup: I have a CRKT M16 as well, great little knife, just about the perfect carry size, although I most always carry my SOG Trident. :rolleyes:
Thats what I love about this place, because of you balloo93 I now have a new EDC folder on order...

Had never heard much about CRKT, but once I looked after seeing your post I just had to have a CRKT M16 EDC Black Zytel Handle CRM16-01Z.

On order and should be here this week. :twothumbs

Thanks man

I like the wave a lot better than the juice myself. Nice selection though, and I agree with you about the crenelated bezel tearing up pockets.
law of the pocket :ironic:



he with the most toys wins

You so far out front in that matter, I'm not even going try.

I've got a total of nine lights (not counting junk lights) and three knives and only six rechargeable 18650's. Nope, not a chance.

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Hokey smokes, a LM KF4 for $18.00! Was this recent? What store? That is an incredible deal for a new KF4.

Let It Bleed- Little store called Marshals. I think they are a chain. They get a lot of odds and ends stuff in and they very rarely carry the same item twice. They had marked it down. It's one of those store that doesn't get a lot of guys shopping there, so i assume that's why it lasted as long as it did.

csa- I did own a Wave and LOVED that damn thing. I made the mistake of leaving it out one day and one of my kids must have grabbed it. It's gone :faint: I can only hope that one day it will turn up again. As for the pockets...I'll end up getting one of those smoother cren stainless bezels for the L2M.

bthrel- CRKT makes a nice knife. The lawks set up is a nice locking mechanism. Extremely sturdy. I was not a fan of liner locks until I found these. Both of mine came in sharp enough to shave with. They have quite a nice fan base and most owners refer to them with the CRKT as "Cricket".

Now I'm looking for a smallish light for the wife. Thinking Akoray K109.
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