novatac 120p just went up

i just spoke with Jim at novatac he informed me that the 85 just was not selling so for now they are not going to make them but may at a later date and no they are not going to a new bin of leds
That makes even less sense for a price increase. If there removing a line that doesn't sell, you'd expect prices to lower, especially if there's nothing new being done/added to the light.
Perhaps! the big! big! increase is to pay for the fact,they have turned all the 85's into 120's using magic :D :devil:

You're saying that in jest, however I've always wondered if the only difference between an 85p and a 120p was the software, meaning both lights have the same emitter, but the software controls which will be classified as a 120 vs. an 85.
6 lights, ranging from $99 to $189, all the same hardware... i think this is somehow funny.
light hound also has tail caps for novatac p and t caps listed on his new items page
I almost bougth the 120p after handling it at a local supplier, I chose it over the P2D-Q5. When they told me the price of $149.99 I was stunned. If it was 250 lumens I might have considered it. SO at $189 I think they've lost their minds. It's a nice light but I can buy three P2D-Q5's at 180 lumens for that price and probably have money left over for batteries. Come to think of it that's what I did. LOL. :naughty:
Thats my opinion!
There is a lot more to the 120P than just lumens. If anyone is interested the 120P is still available for $140.
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