Novatac 120P - replacing my P2D Q5? Comparison inside...


Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2008
First off, thanks to everyone who helped steer me towards the 120P as a potentially more rugged replacement for my current EDC - the Fenix P2D Q5. Also - was great! Excellent price of $120, and I ordered my light on May 14th, received it today on the 17th - I didn't pay for any extra shipping. Way to go, cornerstore! Helps with the instant gratification thing...!

My initial observations are as follows...I know there are plenty of beamshot comparisons out there for these lights, so my statements here are all pretty subjective. This is my first "review" - so go easy on me. :grin2:

note: all comparisons were done with brand-new batterystation CR123a lithium primaries against a while ceiling and wall.

The P2D on normal-high against the 120P on high is a rather marked difference in beam quality - the 120P has a very smooth (and I mean buttery smooth) transition from hot spot to spill, and WOW, what a beautiful beam this thing has - great usable spill and not a ring in sight. Now I know what you guys mean about such a good looking beam, it crushes the Fenix, in my opinion. The 120P hotspot is visibly brighter than the P2D when they are both on high (non-turbo for the Fenix). The P2D on normal high, has a distinct ring just outside the corona, and the transition just isn't as smooth - it's not even close. On turbo it is closer - and the P2D is brighter and bigger in the hotspot, but again the beam is just not as smooth as the 120P is - the ring is still there - very much there. Plus, on turbo, the P2D heats up pretty quickly, and while the Novatac got a little warm it was nowhere near as hot as the P2D on turbo - hence why Fenix recommends you do not run it on turbo for very long continuously. Turbo on P2D vs. High on 120P has similar sized spill to my eye - however, again the 120P has significantly more uniform brightness all the way out to the edge of the spill, and the 120P has juuuuust a bit more spill when you look at them closely.

Tint-wise there isn't as big a difference - they are both quite white when turned on against a pure white ceiling. However, if you spend awhile really looking at the differences there - there are a couple. If anything, the Fenix leans towards a "cooler" white - blue-ish, but definitely not the blue you get out of a cheapie LED...just leaning that way. And the Novatac is towards the yellow- most notably in the hotspot. Which one do I like better? :shrug: The Novatac seems more natural, I guess - closer to an incan to my eye.

I thought I liked the clickie format of the Fenix - then I bought the 120P :D I have yet to fully play with all of the programmability of the Novatac, but even out of the box I really like the click and press features to get the different brightness levels compared to the Fenix - where every time if I want high its Press on - click, click, click (however, at this point it feels second hand for me) vs. the Novatac - click, press and I am on high, one press and I am on primary then click-click to get to secondary. Click-click-click gets you to max low (wow, is it low!) The click-press to immediately get high from off is awesome - very intuitive.

The main reason I bought the 120P...and it delivers here. The P2D is very, very slippery and never quite feels at home in my hand. The 120P on the other hand (pun intended) just feels great, the "cutout" for my index finger is perfect, and the gnurled finish on it allows me to grip it much better in my hand. I didn't think the shape of the 120P would be as impacting to the ergonomics before I bought it, but it makes all the difference in the world. Even if they covered the P2D in the same gnurled texture, but kept its original shape, it still couldn't hold a candle to the 120P. Like I said, this is one of the main reasons I bought the 120P, and I must say the difference between these two lights in this category is quite large. Plus, I tend to be pretty hard on my equipment, and while the P2D shows nary a scratch in being carried every day for the past 6-8 months, and it has had perfect reliability, the 120P just feels much more rugged. The size difference was a bit of a surprise in all the pictures I saw, and measurements I didn't think it would be as big of a difference, but the Novatac is a good chunk bigger than the P2D (how's that for a technical term) - while it is certainly EDC-able, it is ultimately not as compact as the P2D - time will tell how much this difference affects my day-to-day. Also, the 120P is a bit heavier than the P2D, as expected, but the difference from a "pocket-feel" perspective is negligible. The pocket clip is a nice feature on the Novatac, I will probably use it quite a bit, as my typical carry for a light like this is the inside pocket of my blazer at work, and I prefer it doesn't knock against the Vic Compact that is also in there.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Overall ergonomics are more important to me for these tools - function being greater than form for me. I suppose the Novatac looks more "the business" than the Fenix - but they both look pretty decent, I suppose. The emitter itself is a hair off center in both lights - with a small space between the piece that holds the emitter and the reflector itself (I am clearly at the limit of my flashaholic terminology.) - See below.

Finish-wise, I do like the color of the P2D, but I suppose the combination of the color and texture of the 120P are nicer to my eye, and the overall finish of the 120P feels more high quality. The '120P' lettering on my light wasn't perfectly finished out of the box (see below) , but after cleaning it, the print is now uniform. Boy, those titanium and stainless bezels for the 120P out there sure look nice, though! :whistle:

In Conclusion
Time will tell. Like I said, the P2D is my EDC, and it will be sitting on the bureau for awhile, as I haul the Novatac for my day-to-day. Is the 120P worth it at twice the price? In ergonomics, looks, and UI the 120P is the king, and it really outclasses the Fenix in my opinion. Beamwise...well, it is hard to compare the turbo of the P2D against the high on the 120P since running turbo for too long really heats up the light, and the manufacturer doesn't recommend it. However, it is ultimately brighter than the 120P - but that is with a pretty decent caveat.

Like I said before, the beam is smooth smooth smooth on the Novatac and is almost as bright as the P2D on turbo, and brighter than the P2D on normal high. Add all that together, and it appears the Novatac is worth it. If I had a bias, initially before I received the Novatac, it was towards the never forget your first light - and this one was my first "real" light and I do feel a bit of an attachment to it.

I will be sure to report back in after carrying the 120P for awhile.

Obligatory photos (hopefully they are not too big!):



Fenix P2D


Novatac 120P EDC

Great comparision! I'm still debating over getting a 120P, I keep telling myself to wait for the next upgrade, if there will ever be one.

As for the beam, the Novatac has a SSC, so it will obviously be a lot smoother than the beam produced by the Cree in the P2D. The P2D should have a bit more throw on Turbo. I also don't think Turbo is a throw away mode as I use it all the time, but I normally don't need Turbo for long periods of time so heat has never been an issue for me. Also people have done run time tests on Turbo with no bad results. I have yet to hear about someone's P2D having problems because they ran Turbo too long. :)
... I also don't think Turbo is a throw away mode as I use it all the time, but I normally don't need Turbo for long periods of time so heat has never been an issue for me. Also people have done run time tests on Turbo with no bad results. I have yet to hear about someone's P2D having problems because they ran Turbo too long. :)

Thanks, Wade! Fair point - however, why do you suppose Fenix recommends not running Turbo for very long? I too haven't seen any bad results on extended use of turbo (I do use it fairly often) - but it does get quite warm, and I wonder about the manufacturers position on this.
Thanks, Wade! Fair point - however, why do you suppose Fenix recommends not running Turbo for very long?

They don't. They only recommend not running Turbo for over 10 minutes in high ambient temperatures. I don't consider holding it in my hand, or if the temp is under 90F (usually cooler at night when one would use a flashlight) to be high ambient temperatures. They don't really specify what high ambient temperatures are, but I think it's mostly common sense. If it's so hot that the light can't cool itself, maybe limit the turbo usage.
I used to carry the P2D in my Levi key pocket. Now I carry the Novatac 120P. Lobster claw clips to lanyard looped through pants loop. It is bigger but really no problem and a world of difference in useability, ruggedness and just so much better in so many ways. Add RCR123 compatibility and it's a no brainer between the 2 for EDC IMO. Reading your review I wanted to go buy another one :lolsign:
ruggedness and just so much better in so many ways.

Ruggedness was one of the things that attacted me to the Novatac, but after all the posts of the lights having problems, failing after a single short drop, etc, I decided to hold off until I heard these issues were taken care of. Have the more recent batches of Novatacs been more reliable than the earlier versions? The light looks like a tank, but it sounds like it doesn't hold up as well as P2D would when dropped, etc, from stories posted by fellow CPFers.
Gorgeous beam notwithstanding I just couldn't get past 3 times the price and 2/3 the brightness. I sold my 120P and went back to my P2D Q5. There were other minor issues as well but no regrets here. I might buy one again someday when the price falls some more.
Hey MaxRay, congrats on your purchase of 120P. I remember I took a small part in pushing you towards getting the 120P :twothumbs ... at least I think it was me who recommended you to yourcornerstore. They are very good, I've purchased a few items from them before ... plus, when I bought my 120P, it was for $130 instead of $120. Then a week later, I noticed it dropped to $120, and I asked YCS if it was possible for them to refund me $10 since I bought it a week ago ... no question asked, they paypaled me. I didn't really care for the $10 because I thought $130 was pretty good price, but I figured what the heck.

I agree that the 120P has a very nice beam. It's white with a very slight cream tint. You don't notice the creamy color until you compare it with another flashlight that is very white. I actually like the 120P tint.

The UI seems intimidating, but you could get the hang of it very quickly. I've programmed mine to: (1) Primary: 60 lms, (2) Secondary: 10 lms, (3) Max: 120 lms, (4) Min: 0.17 lms.

I love the fact that the 120P is very sturdy and built like a tank. It's a tad heavy when you have it inside the pants pocket or suit jacket, but acceptable ... it's definitely not the "put it in your pocket and disappears until you need it type." You'll notice when it's not there.

I have the same initial feeling about the non-clicky button for the 120P too. I prefer the clicky, but the 120P switch kind of grew of me. I like the fact that it's very flat and depresses a little inside the tailcap ... it minimizes the chance of having it turned on inside your pocket.

Anyway, great buy. If you want to dress it up a bit, you could get the stainless steel or titanium bezel. I like the two-tone silver and black color. You could also pick up UCL glass lenses, which has a 99% transmission rate ... your 120P will be a tad brighter ... or you could get the sapphire crystal, which I believe has the same transmission rate as the stocked polycarbonate lens, but sapphire crystal is a lot more scratch resistant ... or you could just keep it the way it is. :devil:
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I think in general, for all flashlights, there will be bound to be a few that have problems. There's just so much QC that could be done. I believe i have the newer version. The first batch's pocketclips were kind of ugly, I have the newer clip. My 120P doesn't flicker on the lowest setting or flickers when I go from high to low. I've dropped by 120P a few times already ... from about 3 feet up, it's still working for me. Maybe it's because I'm lucky. I've read many threads about the problems with the 120P, and I seriously can't duplicate those problems on mine.

Ruggedness was one of the things that attacted me to the Novatac, but after all the posts of the lights having problems, failing after a single short drop, etc, I decided to hold off until I heard these issues were taken care of. Have the more recent batches of Novatacs been more reliable than the earlier versions? The light looks like a tank, but it sounds like it doesn't hold up as well as P2D would when dropped, etc, from stories posted by fellow CPFers.

Price is a very subjective matter, each and everyone of us have a price point where we don't want to cross. It's similar to those who buy from DX or KD think that Fenix is a little pricey and don't want to cross that line. It's all good though ... and the reason why CPF is fun is because we're all different, yet share the same passion ... fun until someone gets into a heated argument for silly things :poke:

Gorgeous beam notwithstanding I just couldn't get past 3 times the price and 2/3 the brightness. I sold my 120P and went back to my P2D Q5. There were other minor issues as well but no regrets here. I might buy one again someday when the price falls some more.
Price is a very subjective matter, each and everyone of us have a price point where we don't want to cross. It's similar to those who buy from DX or KD think that Fenix is a little pricey and don't want to cross that line. It's all good though ... and the reason why CPF is fun is because we're all different, yet share the same passion ... fun until someone gets into a heated argument for silly things :poke:

Yeah and this is how they start. Everything I stated was factual. It has nothing to do with "price point." I have plenty of expensive lights. I just didn't find the value in that particular model. You did. Great. But please don't imply something else just because I didn't.
My comment wasn't meant to offend you or anyone ... sorry if it came out that way. I think "price point" was a wrong choice of word. What I should have said was "we place different values on the lights we choose to carry." The main point I wanted to stress is all of us like certain kinds of lights ... some like 1 cell, some like 2, some like throwers and some don't ... but at the end, we all here because we like lights. Now let's smile and get back to the topic :grin2:

Yeah and this is how they start. Everything I stated was factual. It has nothing to do with "price point." I have plenty of expensive lights. I just didn't find the value in that particular model. You did. Great. But please don't imply something else just because I didn't.
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You have made a good choice.
The Novatac 120 P is a fine flashlight. The UI is second to none if you like to be able to customize how the UI responds to your input.

While I always enjoyed the quality of the HDS products. The Novatac's User interface has the HDS (older products since they no longer compete in this arena...this could change at any time but for now..) beat all to heck.

I also prefer the Novatac 120 P to the P2D. The P2d just doesn't have the sheer flexibility and user customization features that are available on the Novatac.
Want to hear something funny.
When I bought the Novatac (first week they were available) I learned the UI and spent about a week figuring out how I wanted mine set up.
I then set it up. You know what? I have never ever gone into those menus in the Novatac and I have not changed the programming since.
Being a creature of habit I set it and forgot it. In an way this tells me just how good the UI is.

IMHO the Novatac is a good general purpose flashlight that is very flexible.
Again you made a good choice and it sounds like you got a really good retail deal.
Oh and one more thing. Remember to enjoy that light. Have fun, carry it and use it, that's what it is for.

HDS has something under the belt ... from another thread (I think you were there too Yaesumofo) it sounds like an HDS clicky :whistle:

You have made a good choice.
While I always enjoyed the quality of the HDS products. The Novatac's User interface has the HDS (older products since they no longer compete in this arena...this could change at any time but for now..) beat all to heck.

Setting the brightness is the easy part, all the menu option is where my eyes start going blind. I didn't really tamper with the menu options either since the default was fine for me as well. I played with the auto lock and changed it to momentary just for kicks, but at the end, I went back to the default setting. For the brightness settings, I think many do the same thing ... set it and forget it. It makes sense though. I set mine to the brightness that works for me and haven't touched it since.

Want to hear something funny.
When I bought the Novatac (first week they were available) I learned the UI and spent about a week figuring out how I wanted mine set up.
I then set it up. You know what? I have never ever gone into those menus in the Novatac and I have not changed the programming since.
while i'm a big fan of the P1D-Q5 and P3D-Q5, and do own a few P2D's (CE P4 and Q5), i haven't really fallen in love with the P2D incarnation.

all that said, while i normally carry 2-3 lights any given day, the ONLY light that has ALWAYS been one of my EDC's *EVERY* day since its arrival in June07 (IIRC) is one of my NovaTac EDC 120P's (i now regularly EDC two of them; a b/u is alway in order, IMO - "nunquam non paratus"). prior to the NovaTac's i used to switch among EDC's on a day basis or at least swap out the entire bunch every week or two at most. the 120P is the only light that has remained in my pckt daily for just 'bout a YEAR now. others may come an go, but the 120P ALWAYS remains (a P1D-Q5 as b/u being the next longest lived light, as an EDC that is; a Mr. Bulk Chameleon and or, far more recently, one of my Mr. Bulk DragonHearts would have remained next longest, but they are just too nice to get too beat up in pckt with other things; when i'm wearing 8 pckt cargo pants or a 16 pckt safari vest, then i always throw one of the BulkWare lights in a pckt where it can be nice 'n cozy and protected all by itself).

the 120P besides being of a rather robust design (sorta' SUREFIRE-ish, almost) cp. to some other lights, the best feature is the PROGRAMMABILITY of the 120P. this is what, IMO and for my particular needs/uses sets it apart from any other light that i own. the programmability allows me to have precisely the amt. of light that i need for any given task (0.47--15--42--120 on the b/u 120P quick-clipped to my keyring in my right front pants pckt. and 0.33--10--30--85 on the primary 120P carried bezel up (yeah,...i know...i know...) clipped to to opending to my left front pants pckt. so, the primary gives me a bit more burntime on each particular setting compared to the b/u.

the other two key features for me, YMMV, of the NovaTac EDC's (any model) is the, IMO, almost w/o compare beam pattern - sufficient throw for 98+ pct of my uses and plenty of spill for sufficient field of view for ALL of my needs/uses. the second of these last two key features is the CLIP which i use under the bezel. the standard clip (not the somewhat new lo-profile clip available from John at, which, BTW, is a very nice clip, IMO), for my purposes, is the BEST clip of any light that i own. Why do i say this? well, since i rarely use a headlamp anymore and i usually need (or prefer) hands-free lighting and am almost never w/o a trusty ol' ballcap, that clip slides onto the brim of a ballcap using JUST ONE HAND. it goes on so easily, yet remains quite secure in my experience.

lastly, the ease of one hand operation (a feature obviously NOT unique to the NovaTacs, but impt to me nonetheless) to select any of the four programmed modes is the icing on the cake.

just a side note: i also have a 85P. while the LED was graded by NovaTac as NOT being quite up to snuff to be assembled into a 120P/E/T light, it happens to be noticeably brighter on its max 85 lumen setting than any of my 120P's when they are programmed down to 85P. now, i can't comment on burntime of the 85P on max compared to any of the 120P's running at Level 21 (the 85 lumen level), but it's probably a bit less burntime according to a telcon i recently had two to three weeks ago with a NovaTac engineer.

second side note: i anyone has a NovaTac that won't turn on (particularly after changing the battery), make sure, even though it feels that it's tight, that the battery TUBE is tightened to the head of the light. recently, had my first 120P (my main/primary EDC light in the one in left front pants pckt) stop working after changing the battery. turned out that even though the tube seemed to be on very snugly, that the light wouldn't work (i accidentally loosened the tube when i tried to remove an overly tightened [my bad] switch/tail-cap. it took a near herculean tightening effort on the tube to get the light to start working again - it hasn't stopped working since & i've purposely made ten unnecessary battery replacements as a test.
Gorgeous beam notwithstanding I just couldn't get past 3 times the price and 2/3 the brightness. I sold my 120P and went back to my P2D Q5. There were other minor issues as well but no regrets here. I might buy one again someday when the price falls some more.

I can understand that...but current prices are $60 for a P2D Q5, and $120 for the 120P which narrows that gap a bit. 2/3 the brightness of the P2D? Not too sure about that - in my observations. Are there any measurements out there that support that? It didn't look like that big of a difference to me.

xcel730 said:
Hey MaxRay, congrats on your purchase of 120P. I remember I took a small part in pushing you towards getting the 120P :twothumbs ... at least I think it was me who recommended you to yourcornerstore...

Yes, sir! That was you - thanks again for the recommendation - seeing that price is what ended up tipping me towards getting the 120P. I have looked at some of those SS and Ti bezels out there, I do like the way the 120P in my color looks with the polished bezel...just might have to grab one of those! Wait, I said I don't care what these lights look like!! :whistle:

xcel730 said:
I've programmed mine to: (1) Primary: 60 lms, (2) Secondary: 10 lms, (3) Max: 120 lms, (4) Min: 0.17 lms.

Logically, those sound like good settings to me - I will give those a try, I wonder if there is a thread on Novatac settings out there? Have other folks used very different programming?

on edit: found this thread with settings:

Thanks everyone for the comments...
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I can understand that...but current prices are $60 for a P2D Q5, and $120 for the 120P which narrows that gap a bit. 2/3 the brightness of the P2D? Not too sure about that - in my observations. Are there any measurements out there that support that? It didn't look like that big of a difference to me.

Maybe it's not a full three times but I paid $56 for my P2D Q5 and the store that sells the 120P that cheap doesn't have the best reputation. They're still around $140 plus shipping from most places. I do see the price coming down though and that's good.

But if you want to see the big difference I'm talking about, take them outside. They're the same brightness indoors. So I guess I'm talking about throw but the Novatac's power starting falling off rapidly after 20 feet where the P2D just kept going.

Again, I think it's a great light in many, many ways. However, this thread was discussing the difference between two specific lights that I have first hand knowledge about (rare for me!!) and I'm just adding my 2 cents. As I've stated in other threads, if outdoors is your thing, you might end up going against the strong current and choosing the P2D over the 120P.
But if you want to see the big difference I'm talking about, take them outside. They're the same brightness indoors. So I guess I'm talking about throw but the Novatac's power starting falling off rapidly after 20 feet where the P2D just kept going.

Again, I think it's a great light in many, many ways. However, this thread was discussing the difference between two specific lights that I have first hand knowledge about (rare for me!!) and I'm just adding my 2 cents. As I've stated in other threads, if outdoors is your thing, you might end up going against the strong current and choosing the P2D over the 120P.

Good advice - I haven't taken them both outside at night yet - I will certainly check this out - curious to see if I see the same thing you have. The perspective is appreciated!

In other news - I carried the 120P all day today, and it carries pretty well, I carried it in a cargo pants pocket for most of the morning, took a few mile walk and did stuff around the house - had to use the light once or twice :D Today, I carried it with a Skeletool in the same cargo pocket, one on each "side" of the pocket clipped in - worked pretty well, and was quite discrete as well...until I got into my wife's car - it has pretty tall side bolsters on the seats and it was a little uncomfortable with the 120P on the outside edge of the pocket - moved it to my hip pocket and no problems. I find I am liking pocket clips in general - easier to lock tools into place (duh) :laughing:

Went to an open house, and had to use the Novatac quite a few times to inspect wiring, etc. (older home) - I still am finding the UI very intuitive.

I messed around with the programming this morning as well, and here is what I ended up with:

Primary: 30 lumens
Secondary: 10 lumens
Maximum: 120 lumens
Minimum: .94 lumen
All options as factory, except Simple Momentary is now enabled.

I like this so far, but find myself defaulting to the maximum most often - will have to see how it is over the next few weeks. I found the programming process to be relatively easy once read through once or twice. The light beam brightness changes do occur a bit fast, so you need to count carefully, but it didn't cause too many problems. I think that changing any of the brightness levels is very easy, and I have memorized the process just from doing it a couple of times - remembering all of the option settings though? No way, not in my mind!

Like you, Wattnot, I am keen to figure out if the Novatac is *that* much better than the P2D...the jury is still out!
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Maxray, I'm glad you're liking your 120P. It's a good feeling to find a light that you really like.

Initially, when I got the light, I thought it was a little thick and slightly heavy ... definitely not the type that simply disappears in your pocket. I carried it a few weeks and got used to it. Now when I rotate my EDC, it feels weird without that extra weight. What I mainly like is the smooth like butter beam and nice tint. I work behind computers a lot, so the 10 lumens setting is very comfortable to use.

By the way, if you find yourself using the Maximum mode more frequently than any other mode, you could toggle the menu option for "Force Setting". Essentially, you'll have the memory mode that will turn on to the last mode you use. That's actually kind of an advice for myself, since I use the secondary mode the most :naughty:
MAXRAY, is you p120 a black body model or all natural? The only reason I am asking is that I was very unlucky in the LED Tint lottery with my B-p120. It really has a blue tint, although I was looking for the warm tint you describe with yours. I like the interface and beam of my Novatac enough to buy another one and if yourcournerstore has some warm ones, I just might bite the bullet again and try one of theirs. The other problem I had with my black body light was the finish. Although the logos were OK on mine, the finish had imperfections around the sharp cuts for the name and serial flat areas. The finish isn't holding up that well and I might just try one in natural this time.

As far as a EDC light goes, because of its annoying blue tint, I stopped carrying my Novatac. And believe it or not, I carry in a belt holster, a Rebel 100 P2D. Along with that I carry in my shirt pocket a NDI on a lanyard. Both lights have a much more pleasant color tint than my particular Novatac. Still, I like the interface and programmability of the Novatac so much better, I am want to give the Novatac LED roullette wheel another spin.
Babydoc, I'm not sure if you were addressing to MaxRay or myself. Anyway, my NT120P is black. The tint on mine is white with a very slight creamy color. If you look at it alone, it seems white, but if you compare it with another flashlight, you could see the slight subtle warm tint. Also, the anondizing seems fine on mine. The color matches, there's no sharp edges like you describe (though I did ding it up when I dropped it). Hope that helps.

MAXRAY, is you p120 a black body model or all natural? The only reason I am asking is that I was very unlucky in the LED Tint lottery with my B-p120. It really has a blue tint, although I was looking for the warm tint you describe with yours. I like the interface and beam of my Novatac enough to buy another one and if yourcournerstore has some warm ones, I just might bite the bullet again and try one of theirs. The other problem I had with my black body light was the finish. Although the logos were OK on mine, the finish had imperfections around the sharp cuts for the name and serial flat areas. The finish isn't holding up that well and I might just try one in natural this time.

As far as a EDC light goes, because of its annoying blue tint, I stopped carrying my Novatac. And believe it or not, I carry in a belt holster, a Rebel 100 P2D. Along with that I carry in my shirt pocket a NDI on a lanyard. Both lights have a much more pleasant color tint than my particular Novatac. Still, I like the interface and programmability of the Novatac so much better, I am want to give the Novatac LED roullette wheel another spin.