Novatac 180P?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
I read that someone had a modded 120 P by, err whc?, well 3 letters anyway, was wondering if anyone knew what it was, or what sort of mods can be done to a Novatac?
Just curious really.
Yep. I have one.

Heres the sales thread...
And heres whc's mod thread...

I recommend the mod for anyone with a NovaTac 120 P or T. The "wall of light" that it puts out with a USW0H on max is amazing & runtime is about the same on an AW RCR123 as with the stock LED. Decent throw as well.

Its one of the most versatile lights I own.

Finally, whc does fantastic work and is great to talk to! :twothumbs Send him a PM if you have any questions...
I remember reading WHC swapped the stock emitter with one purchased from PhotonFanatic.

He also did the same to a LiteFlux he had and gave me the idea to do to mine. I made the emitter swap and it was a nice upgrade in color and probably brightness (I never made any brightness measurements).