Novatac EDC 120 T

Eddie P

Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2024
Can anyone tell me the proper batteries for this light. I have the AW 123 , from years ago, they work fine I don't think they are real. I have this light atleast 30 plus years. They don't m1ake like this anymore..In fact I bought it here used. Can anyone tell me what units to buy and from where?
Any Info would be great.
Thank You Ed1
I use a 16340 lithium ion in my Novatac. Any reputable brand from a reputable seller should work.
Thank You for the Info. It's old, still clean and the light throw from such a small light is awesome. Anyways Thank You for the info..I had my share of fake Batts, finally stopping Vaping.
Were these around 30 years ago?
Not sure the exact year. I doubt my thread is here when I bought it. Sure feels like I've had it before 2000. Mine is the original serialized unit. It's not China made. 10,20,30, for 105 bucks used it was well worth it. Parts I guess are tough with lighthound,,, closing. Just have the glass lens, 3 trit, bezel. 24 years ago I started a new job I swear I had it before that. I could be wrong. Not a collector for me its the best light I ever had. I was, finally able to get back on the forum. I remember Peter Atwood and mcgizmo, having a build off. Was some crazy anodizing on Titanium. What year? I don't remember yesterday. You very well could be right. Just finding batteries that won't hurt the light is my goal. I have only 4 AW 123 s and I'm sure they are fake.
The Expert help on here is very much appreciated. Fenix maybe able to help, I remember having the grease for the threads. In fact Fenix I think started in the old USN days, not sure what happened to that forum. I have bought a knife or two off Fenix, kn ew him before he had the store.12 years since SSDI know I had it before that./
Thanks Again Ed


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Not sure the exact year. I doubt my thread is here when I bought it. Sure feels like I've had it before 2000. Mine is the original serialized unit. It's not China made. 10,20,30, for 105 bucks used it was well worth it. Parts I guess are tough with lighthound,,, closing. Just have the glass lens, 3 trit, bezel. 24 years ago I started a new job I swear I had it before that. I could be wrong. Not a collector for me its the best light I ever had. I was, finally able to get back on the forum. I remember Peter Atwood and mcgizmo, having a build off. Was some crazy anodizing on Titanium. What year? I don't remember yesterday. You very well could be right. Just finding batteries that won't hurt the light is my goal. I have only 4 AW 123 s and I'm sure they are fake.
The Expert help on here is very much appreciated. Fenix maybe able to help, I remember having the grease for the threads. In fact Fenix I think started in the old USN days, not sure what happened to that forum. I have bought a knife or two off Fenix, kn ew him before he had the store.12 years since SSDI know I had it before that./
Thanks Again Ed
I'd love to see photos of your light!

Here's mine:

Sorry mine does not stand on end. The button is sticking out, very soft rubber, with knurling.


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The HDS Systems Legacy site seems to think it was licensed to NovaTac, for manufacture and sale in 2006

Best Battery and where? You seem to be very familar with my favorite little light.
Thank You'
I'd love to see photos of your light!

Here's mine:

View attachment 61736
Posted mine not so good in this lighting. For sure the button is different. Mine won't stand on end like that. If you want better I suppose outside would be best. Really that little light is priceless to me. Bought it here from a gentleman out west. 105.00 used back then was not a steal, yet very happy I bought it. I have the clip, just never use it. Bezels I had crazy Titanium ones..sold them. Hard to remember stuff with very low thyroid, hard doing anything. Mis diagnosed 35 years ago, so wrong meds that long. Anyone ever suffer from depression , look at the thyroid.

Best Battery and where? You seem to be very familar with my favorite little light.
Thank You'
I use an Efest high discharge battery because the newer emitter seems to need much more than the old emitter, especially after using the highest brightness.


Here is a reputable source. But be advised it's unprotected.
I have one from back in the day, somewhere in storage. Been easily over 15 years since the last time I used it. I ran mine on a single CR123 Primary.
Thank you for the info you lost me at emitter. I m not well versed in lights. Still I just dont know what new or old mine is. Has a serial numb er
I always used 2 batteries. Effest not you brought me to the vape world I can't begin to tell you brands and fakes. It's very hard to find legit batteries...
I appreciate everyone's time and knowledge I wish I could date this light, with Hashi moto Disease memory can be a very bad problem, in fact it effects everything. When your misdiagnosed 35 years ago, taking wrong meds for that long. At some point i suppose it will need to come out. It's way beyond 12 years its when they denied me SS. Low Thyroid messes everything up.. I just cant see that light being bought used being anywhere near New.
15 years can be 25 years.
Effect are decent if you get real ones. In the world of vaping batteries are very important. Sony made very good 18650s getting a real one is another story. I've seen batteries smolder and wreck units, wife put a battery in backwards that did it. I would hate to see my favorite light melt down.
Thank You everyone.
Hey @Eddie P

Love my Novatac, I run an ancient AW batt in mine too! Remember, when switching from a primary batt to a rechargeable, there's a "battery-detect-reset" you do so the light works best with the battery in it...

From the manual: "Installing a New BatteryUnscrew the battery compartment at the head or the button cap.Insert a new battery into the battery compartment so the positiveterminal is toward the front of the light. Be sure both the headand button cap are screwed on snugly. If the battery is insertedbackwards the light will not turn on.A rechargeable battery must be fully charged before installation.When changing to or from a rechargeable battery a Battery-DetectReset is required.Battery-Detect-Reset1. Turn the light on.2. Unscrew the battery case until the light turns off.3. Screw the battery case back together; there will be onesecond of dim light.4. During the one second of dim light, press and hold the button.5. You will see five seconds of bright light, followed by dim light.6. Release the button when the light goes dim.7. The Battery-Detect-Reset is complete.If the button is released during the brighter light period, the ErrorFlash Sequence of six rapid flashes will be displayed. The light willnot detect the new battery configuration and damage may occur to the rechargeable battery."
II use a 16340 lithium ion in my Novatac. Any reputable brand from a reputable seller should work.
2 x 16340s correct? Just looking at these what I say may be fake AW black with silver label. I see what I think is the new style Novatac 120 T, that is not mine. Not even close. Closest spec battery I can find is made for Fenix. Specs are very close and they are protected. Old Batts
3.7 volt 750 mah built in protection.

New ones I found are 3.6 volt 700 mah..they should work correct? Thank you to everyone that chimed in. I've had it so long the thing grew on me. I have seen what they are selling now its different for sure.
Thank You everyone, I find it best to ask the experts here. Places you call to buy batteries know less than me. Thank You All.