NovaTac OWNERS..Bezel up or bezel down carry?

Down. I don't feel that the bezel is attached well with the clip installed under it. I also wonder about the sealing ability of the lens oring when the clip is installed that way.
I wish that there was a way to have it clipped bezel up good. It would make a great light to clip to your hat. Really nice beam, lots of output options, and light weight. But agree with what NutSak said. So bezel down for me.
Bezel Diagonal...:laughing:


No... wait...That would be DOWN
Clip on in the bezel down position (I like the way the light feels in my hand with the clip on), but with the light loose in my pocket attached by a coiled tether to my belt loop.
No clip. So, in a jeans front pocket, it's bezel down. In a jacket pocket, bezel sideways, facing forward/left.
I wish that there was a way to have it clipped bezel up good. It would make a great light to clip to your hat. Really nice beam, lots of output options, and light weight. But agree with what NutSak said. So bezel down for me.

I agree. Since I polished my clip and bezel ring, I was running it bezel up for awhile because I like using it clipped on a hat occasionally, but I just didn't feel right about compromizing the seal at the lens end, so I put it back under the tailcap. It's currently rattling around in my pocket, so it depends. :)

If I were to use it - I would go bezel down (which is my preferred method across the board with any light).
No clip.
Had several trials with clip (bezel up + down), but I simply don't need a clip. Never needed one.
