Novatac vs. Gladius and U2


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2007
I sort of asked this question in another thred, but it really deserves its own thred as it is a uniqe question. I am thinking of buying a new light to use in the field (I am in ROTC but will be active duty full time with the army in 2 years)

I was thinking of getting a Gladius or U2, but I look at the Novatac 120T, and see the same functionality of the Gladius, but half the size. Is there any reason why I should bother with the Gladius at twice the size, when the Novatac is out there with all the same features? The gladius is bulky and i would not beable to carry it on a normal basis, but the novatac i could. Some educated opinions would be apreciated.

oh, and a small question after that, assuming i do get the Novatac 120T, does any one know where i can find a good red lense filter for it?
well, the novatac has some build issues. Personally, if I were in your posistion, I would go for the U2, maybe Gladius. Edging towards the U2 because of its 6 levels of brightness and plus surefires are built like a brick outhouse. Or, if you want, you could get a lower output led(like the L4(for flood) or the E2L(for throw)) and then get the new L5 when it comes out(hopefully feb of 08).
BUT, if you need a light RIGHT NOW, I think the U2 would get the thumbs up from me. I've tried it in stores and it is seriously kick ***. Not sure as far as the selector ring, if you'll like that. I tried it out at a sportsman's warehouse near me(-ish), I think trying a light out and comparing is the best way to find out what you want.

HAGO(hope I helped as well!:D)
yea, i have played with the U2 as well, the only gripe i have about that is that it does not have the tatical strobe (not that ill be using that much in the ROTC but I might later when i go active duty) and that I am not a big fan of the selector switch. I think gladius might have a better interface but i have never actually seen it in real life. Really for me it is comming down between the gladius and the Novatac. I have not heard any thing about the L5 though. I am actually quite new to tatical lights. Ill have to look into that one.
the novatac has all the stuff you want(I think) the only problem is the build quality is(dare I say it?)somewhat inferior to that of surefires. Plus, I think it's kinda small to be a tactical light, but who am I? Just a kid that has an expensive albeit awesome hobby.
I've heard(and read) that to change the gladius' batteries, you have to do something like twist the grip, not the selector ring and depress the tailcap slightly or something, I just think it would be a royal PITA to do with low/no light and with adrenaline pumping through you.
Although, for my purposes(bumming around the outdoors, in crawlspaces and using a light so I don't end up crapping on the floor in the night) my G2(hopefully a grateful receiver of a P60L dropin) my hopefully imminent E2L and the soon to be released(keep your fingers crossed!) L5 with the KX5 cree'd(maybe?) head will fit my needs great.
G2 with P60L for my beater light/loaning light.
E2L for EDC(every day carry) and for stuff where runtime but not brightness are of import
The L5 will be my (angels sing) light for when I need a lot of light *right there*.

HAGO(hope it helps)
Gladius is a good light. I had one but unfortunately i had to return it due to a bad switch. the only gripe about the gladius would be changing batteries. you have to match the cap to the body by twisting the plastic cap until it falls down into the slot on the body. Doing this if your in a tight situation and dark is a hassle (i think most CPFer's would agree). But overall a superb light. If you decide to get a Gladius, I would suggest to spend the extra dollars to upgrade the emitter to a better one (SSC P4).

As fo the NovaTAc 120T, i have this light and it is awesome. There are some MINOR issues with the light such as: Reflector not perfectly center, & From high to low the emitter pulses for a second. But any of this at least for me, is nothing to worry about. overall, the light is small, BRIGHT, waterproof to 66 feet, built like a tank (tough) runs good on ONE RCR123 orCR123. And Much more worthy things that i didnt mention.

It is to my belief, that this light will serve you good and will last you a long time. besides the size difference, both the Gladius and NovaTac are excellent piece of equipment IMO. Goodluck on your purchase!
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Gladius is a good light. I had one but unfortunately i had to return it due to a bad switch. the only gripe about the gladius would be changing batteries. you have to match the cap to the body by twisting the plastic cap until it falls down into the slot on the body. Doing this if your in a tight situation and dark is a hassle (i think most CPFer's would agree). But overall a superb light. If you decide to get a Gladius, I would suggest to spend the extra dollars to upgrade the emitter to a better one (SSC P4).

Here's one CPF'er that does NOT agree. The battery change on the Gladius is a non-issue for me. It's not more difficult than any other flashlight when it's dark. I believe that getting the correct polarity into the tube in the dark is more challenging than the simple tailcap alignment, which, BTW, has been described in detail in all manuals of the Gladius (except that the later versions of the manual have an even more detailed, pictured, description added, since most people do not read manuals unless it doesn't work ;) ). You just have to know about it beforehand, is all.

And yes, I've got my second Gladius today with the SSC-upgrade, and, holy cow, that is a great improvement!

The Gladius is a great light. No question.
Thank you all for your advice. I think that I am going to go with the Gladius for now, as my more imidiate concern is something for the feild, and not every day use, and the gladius is certianly that. And then, later, when i get paid again, ill get a novatac 120P for every day carry. Hell, if it is this hard to decide between the two, ill just get both and enjoy them for different uses. and ill deffinatly get that upgrade for the gladius, thanks for the advice on that.

Although, since my credit card is getting replaced, i cant order any thing for a few more days, so if any one has any more imput, please put your two cense worth in. There is obviously a learning curve with tatical lights and getting all the more subtle points down. I am doing my best lol.

One other thing, does any one have a link to that SSC P4 upgrade for the gladius?
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Thank you all for your advice. I think that I am going to go with the Gladius for now, as my more imidiate concern is something for the feild, and not every day use, and the gladius is certianly that. And then, later, when i get paid again, ill get a novatac 120P for every day carry. Hell, if it is this hard to decide between the two, ill just get both and enjoy them for different uses. and ill deffinatly get that upgrade for the gladius, thanks for the advice on that.

Although, since my credit card is getting replaced, i cant order any thing for a few more days, so if any one has any more imput, please put your two cense worth in. There is obviously a learning curve with tatical lights and getting all the more subtle points down. I am doing my best lol.

Nice! Spoken like a true flashaholic. When in doubt, get both. Best wishes -- hang on to your wallet, though.
hahahah this is nothing. some time ask me how much i blew on scuba diving gear when i got into that little hobby...... i think i was eating PB&J for a half a year. What is bad is that I have been looking into tatical lights for only 3 days and all ready i am looking at spending 300+ on them...
One last advice: There's a warranty change involved with the SSC update. I found this not too important as far as I am concerned, but YMMV. Check it before you buy.
Look like you have already make up your mind on the 120T. I have got the 85P, U2, and Gladius. Unfortunately, I like them all as each has its pros and cons.
i can say that in my former life as an infantry soldier i would not have wanted a light as small as the novatac. i think that for field use you would really appreciate the clip on the u2 as well. but i'd still use a dummy-cord!
I think you've got it right--the Novatec is definitely a EDC type of light, while the Gladius is a go-to, or would fit on a duty belt.
Remember that a back-up is always a good idea and the Novatec would make a great back-up for the Gladius.
The best light, of course, is the one that you have with you when you need it.
I'd say go for the Novatac 120. It's built like a tank - they pummelled the 120T at shotshow 2007.... 200 times thrown HARD against the concrete wall, and all it got was a few scratches. :thumbsup: It however, may not be as meticulously constructed as Surefires or Gladius, eg. the attention to details such as annodizing is second only to the Surefire... still if you want toughness in a smallish form factor, then Novatac would be your obvious choice. :poke:
I'm not sure in the years of field exercises with Army ROTC I ever saw anybody use a white light in the field. Didn't happen in any schools I attended either.

Whatever you get for the field will have to have red capability--whether by using a lens, or a red LED. You also want something that can be dimmed to barely visible. This is what you'll be using most often.

My advice? Get a red Photon Freedom Covert. It's cheap (you won't go nuts if you drop it in the field and the squad is moving out or the platoon leader needs to borrow it to write his op order) and will be plenty of light on brighter settings--probably too much. Also get a 120T--not because you'll use it in the field, but because it's a cool flashlight.
Just a heads up: Insight Technologies is now selling their own version of the Gladius called the H2X Typhoon. It is identical in everyway since, from what I understand, Insight is the OEM manufacturer of the Gladius for Blackhawk. You can save qite a bit of money by buying the Typhoon and it is IDENTICAL. thinking of buying a new light to use in the field (I am in ROTC but will be active duty full time with the army in 2 years)...was thinking of getting a Gladius or U2, but I look at the Novatac 120T, and see the same functionality of the Gladius, but half the size...
I have an HDS U60 modified with an SSC P4 (similar to a Novatac 120P), and a U2.

The U2, Novatac, HDS and Gladius are all good lights. However....

I'd strongly suggest the Novatac 120P, as it has roughly the same output as the U2, is much smaller and goes much dimmer. My U60 doesn't need a red filter on the lowest level (0.08 lumens) to maintain night vision. The Novatac can use either regular CR123A batteries or rechargeable RCR123As.

The Novatac would be an excellent compact, powerful, rugged light for field use. At lower output levels it will run for hundreds of hours on a single battery, and preserve night vision.

Unlike the U2 the Gladius will go very dim, but it's considerably larger than the Novatac and doesn't have the same max output.
I have to disagree that the Novatac has issues. In fact this has been discussed at length that there are NO lights that are always perfect but IMO the Novatac is BETTER quality than Surefire and I have quite a few Surefire's as well as the Novatac. U2's have a history of problems I've read about and Gladius has had some also. But all 3 ARE quality lights. I don't think you could choose based on any quality difference alone. There is a BIG difference though in size and type of beam output as well as functions. So you are looking at 3 QUALITY lights and should be more concerned with what you want in features. The Novatac is a nice beam with a nice balance of spot with very smooth transition to lots of flood. Both the Novatac and Gladius out do the U2 in terms of features and settings. The Gladius has a very small long throwing spot and it can be modded to use a SSC P4 emitter for even more output. But it's a bit bulky for pocket carry. I'd go with the Novatac. I've got SF (although not a U2), Gladius and Novatac (and HDS) and I use the Novatac/HDS lights the most. I think you can say the Novatac has the most programmable functions and best UI of these also. BTW the standard 1" SF Red filter caps (F05) fit the Novatac - I've got a red rubberized one that goes on and off easily.

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