Now this is a flashlight for self defense!

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I'm not an LEO... but wouldn't it be more practical to carry a handgun (even a small caliber) with an X300 or similar weaponlight?
I think having a flashlight shooting out flaming cr123s would be much cooler and more effective ;P
Doesn't look very useful. In the video it looks like the light is going out when the Maglite is shoot.

It's not meant to be useful... it was done for the lulz. Like the hack where some guy swapped the innards of a gameboy into his calculator so he could play in class.
What a horrible design. Who would ever buy that? Even as a novelty item, that would be too dangerous to own, as there is little immediate indication of its purpose. The muzzle end must be pointed at the user in order to use the light end. :sick2:
Well, while using the light end you could tuck it under your arm so you shoot the poor fool behind you.
What's also funny about this product is that every time you use this as a flashlight you have a 410 gauge shotgun pointed towards your self, brilliant isn't it? :crackup:Now the minimag that shoot .380 sounds fun!
.380 auto is just about a useless round, for the tenth of an inch it saves you minght as well go with 9mm or better yet them newfangled 123 calliber flaming bullets
I suspect there might be some interesting legal ramifications for anyone trying to sell one of these......At least I would hope so.
Meh. It's a spring-loaded pin hitting the cartridge. I'm not impressed, even without considering the safety implications.

Now the cell phones loaded with four .22 rounds, that was better...
What happens when your using your mag at night, see a bad guy and you need to shoot so you flip it. Now the bad guy sees you (you night vision is gone) and you can't see where the bad guy went to aim. :poof:
If one were caught with one of these in California, the judge would throw away the key.
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