Obscene, disgusting and hateful UNDERGROUND


Oct 13, 2001

The Underground was created as a place where people could openly express their minds after certain Cafe discussions became a bit too contentious for "family" entertainment. Far from being a dark den of anarchy and nastiness, the Underground is actually a fascinating and enjoyable place to visit. Sure, you can gripe and express your paranoia of the moment. But mainly, at least 90% of the Underground is about discussions for thinking people. We discuss all aspects of religion, science, politics, (including flashlight politics) and anything else that fascinates, and we do it mainly in a civilized way.

Unfortunately, the Underground's falsely negative image has persisted in the minds of many CPF'ers who have never visited or participated, and thus have deprived themselves of what I believe could be an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience.

This post was inspired by a fascinating Underground thread that I enjoyed so much I wanted to sing the Underground's praises up here in Family Land.

At one time I was quite active and enjoyed the UG. I've shifted my extra time trying to improve the political climate, locally. With any luck, I may find myself on the Two Rivers City Council. Wanna beat em? Do it from the inside.
At one time I was quite active and enjoyed the UG. I've shifted my extra time trying to improve the political climate, locally. With any luck, I may find myself on the Two Rivers City Council. Wanna beat em? Do it from the inside.
And to think it all started in the Underground... ;)

Congrats, btw!! :thumbsup:
Unfortunately, the Underground's falsely negative image has persisted in the minds of many CPF'ers who have never visited or participated, and thus have deprived themselves of what I believe could be an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience.
I agree with you. I visit the UG regularly. I don't post much because those threads are more of a long time commitment in terms of how long they may run, and also a more significant short term commitment because you need to spend more time composing a thoughtful, intelligent post. And I just don't have that much time to spare nowadays. But unlike you, I really could care less what peeps up here think of it. There's enough children there already.
What happened to the rule that the Underground should never be talked about on the main forum?
What happened to the rule that the Underground should never be talked about on the main forum?

There is not, nor has ever been any such rule.

The rule says "just like Las Vegas... what happens here, stays here." The Underground as a topic isn't against that rule. Exporting a topic, feelings, argument, attitude or whatever from there is what would break the rule. Copying and pasting content from there to anywhere is what would break the rule. I haven't seen that done here.
I think that's a good example of the mistaken notions many CPF'ers have about the UG.


The CPF Underground, nasty? Ha ha.

More like kindergarden, compared to some other forums I belong to. You want nasty, mean, and even sometimes hate-filled? Go get an account on BladeForums.

I just went head-to-head with a blatant troll, and made him look like the idiot he is. And I'm not talking about, in the BF version of an Underground.

Still, that cr*p gets old. I'm glad that sort of $#^% isn't tolerated here. Blatant trolls tend not to live long on CPF. :twothumbs

It's nice being able to post, just to help out others who have questions. And you can ask honest questions without worrying that someone will call you an idiot. If a discussion gets a bit heated, you can head to the Underground.

Our Underground is still friendlier than what you'll find in the General forum on other sites.