I'm charging up a bunch of NiMH AA cells at the moment - over the years I've built a collection of various generic cells - and the charger I have is a bit cheap - slow to charge and doesn't cut out consistently.
I have to pull them off because the charger won't consistently cut out when the cells are fully charged and they start to get hot - so tonight I've been monitoring the temps and have measured the voltages with a multimeter, and I've noticed that they're at 1.39V - but aren't hot like they've been in the past when left unattended. Nominally they are a 1.2V cell - but I'm presuming that's under load - at what voltage should I pull them from the charger given it's inadequacies?
I have to pull them off because the charger won't consistently cut out when the cells are fully charged and they start to get hot - so tonight I've been monitoring the temps and have measured the voltages with a multimeter, and I've noticed that they're at 1.39V - but aren't hot like they've been in the past when left unattended. Nominally they are a 1.2V cell - but I'm presuming that's under load - at what voltage should I pull them from the charger given it's inadequacies?