Official New Release ☀️ Fenix HM60R

Received my HM60R today...Overall initial impression was very impressed with the quality and functions...believe this will meet all my needs for working on cars, motorcycles and general home needs.

Only problem is that the lock/unlock function does not work as the per the manual Instructions.

The manual instructions (as does the marking near the power button) to push and hold the power button for 3sec to either lock or unlock the light....It is actually more like 6sec.

To engage the lock/unlock function it says the red light will blink 3x....but when trying to lock the light and the button is held down, the spotlight will come on first for about 6 seconds, then the red light will blink 3x before turning off (the spotlight should not be coming on at all at this time, nor should it take 6 seconds).

The unlock funtion works as per the manual says it does (other than 3sec actually being 6sec).
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