Old Surefire pdf Catalogs?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
hello again!

I was wondering...Has anyone saved the 2001 2003 & 2005 Catalogs?
And is willing to e-mail them to me?

I have the 02-04-06 ones

Thnaks, Kostas
hi kosPap

I have the 03 & 05 catalogs PDF, I can send them via e-mail.

also, i 'd like to get your 04 catalog, is it a PDF?

I tried to send 01 and 03. I don't have 02, 05, or 06. If someone wants to send them my way I would really appreciate it.


EDIT: Looks like I have a Weapons light catalog in pdf as old as 6/97. I have another one that I am unsure of the year. i think it is either 96, or 02 from the numbers on the back cover. I'm leaning toward 96 from the price and the fact that number appears twice. Could probably figure it out with some time by looking at the products lineup. It is a pdf and on the back it has:
Catalog 9602
U.S. $3.95
P/N 71-03-019
50M 080696

EDIT AGAIN: I think I figured it out. My two older PDF's are from 96/97 and one is weaponlights while the other is flashlights. My catalog for 2001 is split into two publications also.
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Well thanks alot SenderGreen. I just recieved them. I will be sending you mine.

Now I almost all I wanted.

CENZ, and anyone else, look for my e-mail adress at my profile and ask me what you want me to share with you.
I have 01, 02, 04, and 05. I seem to have skipped 03!

I am sending 02 and 05 to you, SenderGreen. (2002 is 9.8MB! Note that this will require 2 emails, since I am using a hotmail account, and hotmail limits attachment size to 10 MB. The 2002 catalog barely fits by itself.)
The only PDF I have is the 2007 one :shakehead

To that end, any kind soul who wants to send me any other PDFs wins a big load of appreciation from me :D

Email is tempestgb (at) gmail.com

I tried to send 01 and 03. I don't have 02, 05, or 06. If someone wants to send them my way I would really appreciate it.

[email protected]

EDIT: Looks like I have a Weapons light catalog in pdf as old as 6/97. I have another one that I am unsure of the year. i think it is either 96, or 02 from the numbers on the back cover. I'm leaning toward 96 from the price and the fact that number appears twice. Could probably figure it out with some time by looking at the products lineup. It is a pdf and on the back it has:
Catalog 9602
U.S. $3.95
P/N 71-03-019
50M 080696

EDIT AGAIN: I think I figured it out. My two older PDF's are from 96/97 and one is weaponlights while the other is flashlights. My catalog for 2001 is split into two publications also.

hi SenderGreen,

I'm sending 02,05,06 to you, 14.8 mb!! I use "YouSendIt" website for the uploading my attachment, max 100MB size!! I hope you can received them later.

The only PDF I have is the 2007 one :shakehead

To that end, any kind soul who wants to send me any other PDFs wins a big load of appreciation from me :D

Email is tempestgb (at) gmail.com


hi Tempest UK,
In my catalog collections, 02,03,05,06,07 are available ^.^
I will try to send them to you in one time.

Thanks everyone!
I found another one for 05 on the net that I have never seen before, so I sent it out. I guess I'm all set back to 01. Thanks again.:twothumbs

EDIT: Cenz, I tried to send you 96/97, 01, 04, and 05 taclight. I used what I thought was a hotmail for you. I guess they didn't make it. If you'd like me to try again let me know.
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Thanks everyone!
I found another one for 05 on the net that I have never seen before, so I sent it out. I guess I'm all set back to 01. Thanks again.:twothumbs

EDIT: Cenz, I tried to send you 96/97, 01, 04, and 05 taclight. I used what I thought was a hotmail for you. I guess they didn't make it. If you'd like me to try again let me know.

thank you very much~

actually, I ever use Yahoo mail here : [email protected]
anyway, my hotmail also works.
I just bought my first Surefire!

It's a L1.

Please send me any .pdf catalog that you have.

Send to rafoster (at) gmail.com

Please help out a new Surefire addict...

I have sent SF catalogs 03,05 to you~


received, :thanks:

is this your site? I'd like to use it as a signature link...this has basically all the surefire manuals on it [unfortunately the A2 PDF doesn't werk]
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Anybody got a the pdf catalog with information on the SF L6 Lumamax? Not sure what year it was. My email is in my profile. Thanks
I have accreted some Surefire catalogs (PDFs), they are available at:


If anyone has any that I don't have posted, I would love to acquire them to add
to my collection (and thus make available to anyone else). Please PM (or email me
rdh at tiac.net) with availability. If email, you can just email (attach) the .pdf too!



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