I tried to send 01 and 03. I don't have 02, 05, or 06. If someone wants to send them my way I would really appreciate it.
[email protected]
EDIT: Looks like I have a Weapons light catalog in pdf as old as 6/97. I have another one that I am unsure of the year. i think it is either 96, or 02 from the numbers on the back cover. I'm leaning toward 96 from the price and the fact that number appears twice. Could probably figure it out with some time by looking at the products lineup. It is a pdf and on the back it has:
Catalog 9602
U.S. $3.95
P/N 71-03-019
50M 080696
EDIT AGAIN: I think I figured it out. My two older PDF's are from 96/97 and one is weaponlights while the other is flashlights. My catalog for 2001 is split into two publications also.