Older Pila Li-Ion Charger - Is it safe?


May 2, 2007
North Dakota, USA
I have this older Pila BC2 Li-Ion charger that came with a light I bought. It has an output of 1.5A X 2 which is two and a half times the output of the IBC. Almost .5 C for AW's new protected Li-Ion C cell.

Is this charger as safe to use as the IBC?


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Hello Shuter,

That charger does not limit the voltage to 4.2 volts. It relies on the protection circuit of the cell to terminate the charge. Most protection circuits don't kick in until around 4.3 volts, so you will loose cycle life if you use it.

It will over charge an unprotected cell.


What do you think. Would I be better off charging a AW C Li-Ion protected cell using the IBC at a charge rate of 600 mA (a charge rate of .18C) but cuts off at 4.2V. Or use the BC-2 that charges at 1500 mA (a charge rate of .45C) but will overcharge to 4.3V? Which in your estimation is likely to cause the least damage or shortening of cyle life?
Hello Shuter,

Your cells will last longer if you use a charger that limits the charge voltage to 4.2 volts. This means that you would be better off using the Pila IBC charger, even though it takes longer to charge.

as an alternative option...

You could install a small voltage meter on the older Pila, and always monitor when using, use it to bring the cell up to ~4.1V, and if you want to take the time to top it off, switch it over to the newer Pila...

Problem with this option is that us humans get distracted too easily...
You may as well ask me to fly to the moon. I know you must think it silly but I just don't know what I'm doing when it comes to electronics. I do appreciate the suggestion but I think it's best I don't use the IBC. Have a great Christmas.
Hello Shuter,

That charger does not limit the voltage to 4.2 volts. It relies on the protection circuit of the cell to terminate the charge. Most protection circuits don't kick in until around 4.3 volts, so you will loose cycle life if you use it.

It will over charge an unprotected cell.


Hello Tom,

Thanks for the info! I've also got one of these and was planning to use it as a backup but I don't think I will now. You've got me thinking about investing in a Bantam charger, especially now that I am planning to use AW's C cells in addition to the other li-on cell sizes I already have. Maybe what this old charger may be good for is to modify it to be used as a battery holder for the Bantam.

For anyone watching this thread, please be aware that all of the wolf-eyes chargers still in production use the protection circuit to terminate the charge as I understand it, they are similar to the older Pila charger in this respect.
wolf eyes ch-02 charger should be ok if you use cells with heavy duty pcb's such as wolf-eyes or aw
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I put the BC2 charger in the trash. I don't want to be using a charger that treats my batteries improperly when there are chargers available that will safely charge them and maximize their lifespan. I thank Silverfox and Mdocod for taking the time to help me understand that chargers shortfalls.

Aircraft800 has assembled a turnkey charging system for me with a 110V>12V converter and a custom four slot charging bay (mailing today) that will properly charge all of my Li-Ion cells. :D