Welcome to CPF!
When it comes to flashlights, defining one flashlight as being "better" than another is basically impossible because each flashlight must be looked at as a tool that has a purpose at a price point. The M20 and T25 each have their good and bad points, and it's going to depend on what you intend to do with them, and possible more importantly, what type of battery system you plan to use (rechargeable, or primary, etc)... Also... if you are supplied any particular cell types freely or must pay for them on your own.
Keep in mind that more modes, like access to a strobe, or an SOS, or whatever, is NOT always better than having something simple. If you are in law enforcement then I am sure you are aware that effectiveness in the field comes from having gear that is not only easy to work with, but that you are heavily practiced in using. Added complications from multi-mode lights can actually make things worse. For any sort of tactical work, I tend to start by recommending lights that are either single mode, or 2 mode with the mode selection available through a quick bezel twist, anything more complicated could consume that fraction of a second that makes the difference between life and death. If you want to spend some time training and practicing to access a strobe mode on a multi-mode light, and making that a routine that will happen under duress, then that's also an option, more power to you if you can make it work for you!
For your proffession, I would be looking at options like the SureFire Z2 or C2 with a MalkOff M60 drop-in, or an EagleTac T10C2 or T10L, or Fenix TK10 or TK11, or DereeLight CL1H with a single mode drop-in.... There are certainly others out there worth a look, so keep your eyes open and listen to other suggestions as I'm sure there will be more. A lot of the options I have just put "on the table" are designed for use with a single 18650 size protected li-ion cell, which is a rechargeable option that is worth a look but will require some more research to get the right stuff for.
Best of luck in your search!