OMG!! Nutnfancy is packin a Maelstrom on his rifle :(

I'm pretty sure that's the maelstrom g5 on the video. But the light is kinda like long and big.
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Lucky he must like it a lot to have it on his rifle.

If I know Nutnfancy (and I think i have seen enough of his vids to do so) he will think its too heavy for a weapon light.

Anyway, we might find out what he thinks oneday :p

I am sure he would love it as a regular handheld though.
I lost interest in what he was rambling on about... but yeah some nice shots of a maelstrom
Ah, so that's why his 4Sevens video at the 2010 SHOT Show didn't talk much about the Maelstrom series.

As noted by others, there was a LOT of other talk in it however. :tired:
"yeah its a maelstorm...but enough with the do you feel?"

i feel like you should tell us more about that maelstorm you got before the rest of the world.......:poke::poke:

how can he mention it so non-chalantly

for those that get a little tired of nutnfancy's rambling reviews and tacticool comments, here's a hilarious spoof of a review--Glock 17 versus Glock 17. if you have a few minutes to kill, check it out

That was pretty funny!! Keep in mind, I would also consider this a compliment to NNF since you'd have to patronize his videos to appreciate it.
what's with all the accidental leaks..........

I KNOW! it seems like EVERYone has gotten ahold of these things and yet.... still no lights...:confused:

but G5 looks REALLY nice in the vid... all 3 seconds of it. im hoping that with all the leaks and pictures out recently that they are close to droping.... hopfully VERy close (but im sure no one has heard that before).
that's a m500 in the vid, with a mc-e, which won't be released.
they look pretty similar, though.
they probably gave him the proto at shot show, but only if he promised to stop talking.

Hahahaha, yeah man. I love Nutnfancy and he sure seems to know his stuff. But hot damm, sometimes I wish he would just get to the point! The man can talk, and talk, and talk......... ;)

so, how many people have gotten ahold of one so far? (maelstrom i mean)

because i've heard of quite a few people who have at least gotten to play with it.... then theres the select few who already got it mounted on their weapon :poke:
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