one cell weaponlight?


May 8, 2007
does anyone make a single cell weaponlight? it seems like a good idea, with the efficiency of leds and drivers going up, its possible to get 30-45 minutes of runtime out of one rcr123 cell even at 100+lumens. smaller form factor would be a plus for concealed carry, and just for looks too. something like and x200a with only one cell. any ideas?
I'm fairly certain that Glock makes a 1-cell incandescent weapon light but consensus was that it wasn't very good. It may take a while to come around but I see no reason for there not to be good 1-cell LED weapon lights. The smaller form factor would really held with CCW compared to a 2-cell light.
I have one of those. I bought it used for $40. It uses one CR2 cell.

It is not as bright as some others but when focused into a spot it allows one to ID a target out to at least 60 to 70 yards.

At 50 yards it really works well.

It is smaller that a lot of other lights.

My Glock does not have a rail so I use the light on my bed room gun. a Taurus 24-7 compact. It works great on this pistol.
This is something I don't understand. That is why manufacturers continue to develop/improve two-cell *pistol* lights when, as was stated, you can get 100+ lumens from a single cell. It seems that it would be fairly simple to engineer a light that would be no wider through the body than the head/reflector. In other words, the whole unit would pretty much fit within the width of the pistol.

Unless you're military going door-to-door clearing houses all day (and they use shoulder-mounted arms anyway) who needs more than 20 minutes of runtime? If you are using the light properly (intermittently for short periods of time), 20 minutes is waaaay more than enough.

Come on SF & SL, give us a one cell pistol light. Yeah, I know the holster manufacturers will have to re-tool and hate you, tough. Give us the brightest, smallest, lightest pistol light you can engineer. As LEDs gain effeciency, it's gonna happen anyway. You might as well be on the front end.
thanks for all the replies. i thought maybe i wasnt looking hard enough, but apparently theres just nothing out there. my friend has the insight light, and to be honest i'm not impressed. a cree or seoul in there would be way better and offer more runtime and brightness. i just want something in case i hear loud bump in the night i have to go check out, so as stated, run time isnt an issue. if i need it for more than even 5 minutes, the light is the least of my worries at that point. i tried making my own with a one cr123a twisty light and a mount designed for lasers on a pistol, but the recoil from the gun just makes it come loose. i'll try to take some pictures of what i've come up with so far tomorrow. and to any of you with machining equipment, take note of this thread!
I have an insight x2 on my springfield xd 40 subcompact. It's a great design and works great but it puts out MAYBE 40 lumens of yellow light when the single cr2 is at full strength and downhill from there. It's extremely weak.

Until last weekend. I got bored and managed to stuff a terralux tle5ex minimag dropin in there. At 3v it's 100+ lumens of bright white light. I'm considering buying a couple more lights to mod and sell. It's not that hard, more patience and commitment to messing up a light than anything. haha. I also took apart one of my surefire dropins today and I believe I could get one of those in there if I can find a 3.7v cr2 that's not too much bigger.

Being on the xd boards where the subcompact babyguns are so limited on light selection, I believe there's a huge market for upgraded x2's. We shall see soon enough. With the rate at which the big name companies are getting into led's I figure I have a couple years left to cash in before somebody makes a decent single cell led micro-light. :D

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Why would anyone be surprised that there are so few options in a sub compact weapons light? Why would there be more? Lets face it for 99.9% of people the use would be strictly for play and not serious use. The market will not sustain much in the way of activity because people who need and use weapon lights have, and always will have, full sized handguns making single cell lights unnecessary.
I'm fairly certain that Glock makes a 1-cell incandescent weapon light but consensus was that it wasn't very good. It may take a while to come around but I see no reason for there not to be good 1-cell LED weapon lights. The smaller form factor would really held with CCW compared to a 2-cell light.
Is there a drop-in mod for that Glock rail light? I have one of those rail lights and it's really dim. Wished it was brighter...