One Light and only One for One Month (Update with 3 days left)


May 22, 2005
Although I'm carrying only one light, I have bought a few more this month see my latest post on page 3.

I've been bouncing around in my head a thought about what would be the best flashlight to have if you were limited to only one light. I then thought it would be kind of cool to actually use that light and only that light for a period of time.

I had originally thought about using that light and nothing else for a year, but thought that a little long. I am therefore pursuing this for one month. Here is my proposal. I will carry one light and only one light for one month and I will use only that light for one month. Here's the kicker, you help me out. I will take suggestions for best light for one month and the light getting the most suggestions I will carry. If I don't have it, I will buy it. My only requirement is that it be small enough to pocket carry.

Here are some of the lights I own but, like I said, feel free to mention anything you think would be good.

HDS Ra Twisty with red low
HDS Ra Twisty with all white
HDS Ra Clickys (Several from 100 up to 170 lumens)
HDS Ra Titanium Clicky
Lunalsol 20
Surefire L1 (3) modded by Milky
Surefire L2
Surefire L2x
McGizmo Titanium Mule
McGizmo Sundrop (3 level)
McGizmon Sundrop (one level with 2 CR123 batteries)
Quark 123
Stainless Maratac AA

I'll take suggestions until May 5, 2010 upon which time I will start carrying the light if I have it. If I don't have it I will order it and start to carry it when I get it. Whatever light gets the most suggestions, I will carry it and only it for one month and report accordingly.

I look forward to your suggestions.
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Re: One Light and only One for One Month

Love your idea and I do that sort of thing on a weekly basis,my penchant for lights is the tiny type but have a couple of decent ones if needed with high lumens.You also find out a lot about what you actually own when you start to use just one.

Your collection is all high end stuff so my choice for you would be the ITP A3 EOS,you will be very aware of it so need for me to tell you about the modes/lumens etc.

Give it a go I am sure you will not regret it and if it is not for you,would make a nice gift for someone.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

JetBeam RRT-0 with or without the AA extender (half with and half w/o?).
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

Quark 123 is my vote
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

get one of the new warm quark 123^2 tacticals -
SUPER versatile and WAAARRRRMMM.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

What are the typical tasks for which you use your lights? Without knowing that, it's difficult to make a realistic recommendation.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

I'm a lawyer who likes lights. I pocket carry every day. I'm also married and the father of 7 children now. I go on walks and like a bright light for that but also like a light for a night light on a night stand. I also like to bike and like to put one on my handle bars when I ride. Hope this helps.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

Nightcord D10 r2 or nightcore defender infinity r2 either would be good
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Re: One Light and only One for One Month

You have quite the collection. How about picking one that isn't way expensive like a mainstream Ra Clicky. If you are only going to have one light, multiple levels are highly desirable. I tried to get by with an L1, but the low is too bright. Went back to my HDS.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

I'd say either the Quark 123 or Maratac AA simply because they'd be the most pocketable and versatile.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

What a brilliant way to justify buying a new light. Kudos. I know you stated suggestions could include lights you already own, but don't you want it to be something new. Maybe not, as you have some nice ones. But I'm going to suggest a Liteflux LF2XT. You may need Li-ions for increased brightness to use as a bike light and it is real skinny (AAA). For everything else, I think you would like it.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

From the lights I currently own I suppose it would be the LiteFlux LF3XT. The totally variable output makes it my choice. Two other possibilities would be the Proton Pro and the LF2XT.

Re: One Light and only One for One Month

I'd have to go with the 123 quark, also. Especially if it's the xp-e variant.
Super low, and super hi available before even turning the light on. You won't hate yourself if it gets lost or damaged, either.

If finances aren't an issue, then one of the HDS lights would be a winner.

I'm actually finding I like a Surefire G2 about as well as anything. No anodizing to chip off!
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

Right now my EDC is my Ti Quark 2x123 and if I could only use one light for a month, that would be my first choice. However I like the idea of picking a light and then only using that light for say one week. I have too many lights to limit myself to one light per month, I'd never get to use them all. :p

I really like my Dereelight C2H with the XP-G drop-in. Maybe I'll give that a try for a week.
Re: One Light and only One for One Month

If I had to choose, I think would pick my

Good battery choices and run times, good throw and ok spill.

Re: One Light and only One for One Month

I'm a lawyer who likes lights. I pocket carry every day. I'm also married and the father of 7 children now. I go on walks and like a bright light for that but also like a light for a night light on a night stand. I also like to bike and like to put one on my handle bars when I ride. Hope this helps.

I recommend a Suefire 6P Original (or a C2, Z2, or G2) or an E2e, Lumens Factory HO-4 lamp assembly (or LF EO-E1R in an E2e), and 2-4 AW P17670 Li-ion rechargeable cells, plus a diffuser (e.g., Surefire FM34 or F04) for your night stand use. (If you're not inclined to use rechargeable cells, skip the Lumens Factory drop-in and use the stock P60 or MN03.)

I haven't yet found a multimode LED light that's good enough at anything I do regularly to carry by itself. I've found mine to be, at best, adequate for several different tasks. A medium powered incandescent is also adequate for a wide variety of tasks. If I have to settle for mere adequacy rather than optimality, I'll take the pleasing full spectrum incan beam over the long runtime of a harsher looking LED light.
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Re: One Light and only One for One Month

From that list I'd go with the Surefire L1 or the Maratac AA.