Online Cellphone stores


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2002
39.42N 86.42 W
I'm looking to upgrade my phone. Possibly a new blackberry or smartphone. I've decided almost to flee the large conglomerate due to the plain facts the rates are higher. Especially for data.

I look online at some of the sites and there is one that touts free phones. Looking at the fine print I have found no hidden costs, only a long term contract which isn't a problem for me. Wirefly is one I have been looking at. Any one use places like that? Would you again? Is there something I am missing?
I would carefully read all of Wirefly's terms before buying the phone. Some online cellphone retailers have some stipulations that may bite you in the butt if you don't follow their rules to a T.
They (wirefly) appear to be the main vendor that most box stores use for online sales. Like Sam's Club.
When buying online, you should buy from reputation site. Check the terms and conditions and refund policy. Good Luck!
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