Opinions please on this keychain flint lighter


Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2005
New to lighters and thinking of getting this to EDC on keychain, any opinions?


I want to get a butane torch lighter for general purpose, thinking of getting one I found at Walmart for $9, says it is windproof. But lighter at ebay looks so cool for keychain use. I know some EDC mini bic in a sheath, but even that is bigger than I would like.
If you want and need a very small lighter, this looks like a decent one. it won't have any real wind resistance, due to the naked wick (no chimney for wind protection.

I did notice that they don't say what metal it's made out of. I'm guessing chrome plated brass, but that's just a guess. The seller may have overlooked it; if I was buying it, I'd want to know.

Now all that being said, I think it's bit pricey for what you get. It's above the price of a full sized Zippo, which I feel safe saying is likely made to better standards. Bt as we all know, Zippos are somewhat large, and the fuel evaporates quickly; somtines in only a few days.

I bought several permanent matches. They seal in the fuel quite well, so it's good for at least several months, and are reasonably reliable. You do have to be careful not to let the little wick run out of fuel; whatever the wick is made of will then start to burn away, making it ether harder to light, and with a smaller flame, or just plain useless, if you let it go far enough.

I don't keep mine on my keychain; the little chain that comes with it looks pretty flimsy, but you could replace it with a small ring.

I got them here:

farscape105 said:
New to lighters and thinking of getting this to EDC on keychain, any opinions?


I want to get a butane torch lighter for general purpose, thinking of getting one I found at Walmart for $9, says it is windproof. But lighter at ebay looks so cool for keychain use. I know some EDC mini bic in a sheath, but even that is bigger than I would like.

Damn you! Now I want one of those! :)
Might even make me sign up for ebay.
That design has been around for a logn time, the simple wheel flint and wick combo...I hade a mini Zippo "type" lighter that had the saem setup, it was VERY small, worked great! As logn as you do not mind refilling the lighter with fluid every week or so (if you only use it once in a while) then yeah that would work great! Simple, small, and cheap enough to buy a replacement if lost...
Well damn it, I went ahead and ordered it if nothing for the coolness factor even though I don't smoke. Hey, cutlerylover, I got a mini zippo type lighter off ebay (REALLY small) couple days ago for $2, thats what pushed me to order this airtight one. Anyway, wondering where to buy the flints for these super small flint lighters since I assume they are smaller than your standard zippo lighter?
Oh, and goldenlight, I don't "need" a lighter this small, I just "want" one, LOL Same mantra for flashlights. Guess I can justify it as a sort of backup to my Fenix P1D CE. :)
What's your opinion of the lighter in your OP (since you probably have one by now)?

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