Options for adding clicky switch to SF 6P LED...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2008
Allentown, PA

If you're going to tell me to search the forum, please post a link... I've done an awful lot of searching already! :shrug: Perhaps my search phrases are no good, but here is my question...

I have a new 6P LED... I love it. I want to add clicky-switch capability (I like momentary but I don't like to have to twist for continuous).

What are my options? I know that I can get a z59 (I don't want to increase the length of the light AT ALL if possible).

What else can I do? Anything cheaper than just getting the z59? If this is already answered for a 6p, are there good instructions somewhere? I'm not afraid to mod, but good directions would be helpful.

Thanks in advance... this is my first post and this looks like a great forum.
There is this LEEF option for a clicky that is not Surefire. It will tail stand too. However, it is approximately the same length as the Surefire Z59 product.

The Z49 is the longer Surefire product and the most robust unit.
The Z59 is the trimmer unit.
Thanks for the info... I probably want to avoid that scalloped LEEF unit... looks like it might tear up my leather holster over time. Also, the price ($35...)...

I was sort of wondering if there were any DIY options (e.g. get a clicky switch out of this or that cheap light, or get the McGizmo clicky, then do these steps...). DIY tends to be cheaper. Not sure if it can be done with the LOTC that comes stock on the P6L though...

Thanks for the responses so far!

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