oracle 24x-9 battery circuit board issue


Newly Enlightened
Nov 21, 2011
have an oracle 24x-9 hid flashlight. been a long time since i used it. i left battery on charge for 2 weeks plus never thinking to take it off. and now i read on the battery not to charge for more than 24 hours. well it won't charge now. i took the battery apart to check everything. and everything seems fine. but i did find the problem. the circuit board that is actually on the batteries. which i assume controls the charging and dispersment of power has a bad piece. not burnt or disconnected but evidently leaving the battery on charge for over 24 hours has damaging this tiny module; tricking the system into thinking the batteries are fully charged. the piece responds to my fingertip when i touch it the green light goes back to red and the batteries resume charging. harder to get a reaction from touching with metal. however it seems that only part of this module is messed up. soo my question is - does anyone know a source to buy circuit board modules, and other parts so maybe i can replace this bad part with a little soldering and save myself from buying a $70 battery?
