About 9 months ago I bought a Princton tec Apex headlamp and wow it was great ---- however upon closer inspection I noticed that the orange plastic part in the front had some cracks ...nothing huge. Or structually deep. The cracks look like the plastic had been struck and lightened in colour.
I e-mailed Princeton tec about this and was told that this would in no way affect the light and that some of the Orange ones had this minor defect in the first run or the first series-- just cosmetic ...
However , over the winter in my dry house (static/air dry) the cracks became more noticeable.
I returned my light last month requesting a replacement in Black.
Today I got the replacement .... Orange and with a crack. *sigh*
So it seems they are still shipping out Orange ones with this problem. ( or "problem" as I'm sure they would like it known)
{ as I was looking at my replacement I noticed that the plastic lens is horrible -- scratches }
I'm currently in contact with Princeton Tec and will let you all know how it turns out.
.... stay tuned
I e-mailed Princeton tec about this and was told that this would in no way affect the light and that some of the Orange ones had this minor defect in the first run or the first series-- just cosmetic ...
However , over the winter in my dry house (static/air dry) the cracks became more noticeable.
I returned my light last month requesting a replacement in Black.
Today I got the replacement .... Orange and with a crack. *sigh*
So it seems they are still shipping out Orange ones with this problem. ( or "problem" as I'm sure they would like it known)
{ as I was looking at my replacement I noticed that the plastic lens is horrible -- scratches }
I'm currently in contact with Princeton Tec and will let you all know how it turns out.
.... stay tuned