Oregan Shooter L1 Tailcap Opinions


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2007
I just got a L1 and I must say it is a truly awesome light. I have been looking at this option for the capabilty of tail standing. Does it make it harder to use the momentary switch? I dont recall ever tail standing any of my flashlights but thought it might be good if I ever needed to.
I'm probably biased on this one. :sick2:

It makes it a little harder. You have to use more of tip of the thumb, but it does not make it a burden to use IMO.

I just saw that JBurly's is back in business and has added his own version of this to the store. It's not on the store yet, but supposedly they are in stock.

He has some for the E series on the store now and they look well made. Not sure what the price of the A2 version is gonna run, but the E series is priced right at $14.00
I have had an Oregon Shooter guard on an L1 before and they are top notch quality and worth every cent. It is true you cant use the "pad" of the thumb like a stock switch but the benefits outweigh this. You can carry the light and not worry about accidental discharge also which is a big plus for me. I wasnt aware these are still available from Oregon Shooter? if so I will be getting one for sure. Is this indeed the case?
They are indeed still available from Oregonshooter.

I have no issues using the momentary function with the tailgaurd in place and I am still able to use the pad of my thumb for switch activation (small hands I guess). My favorite feature is that I don't have to lock out the tailcap when in my jacket pocket.
I've seen where some people almost never use the twist-on of the L1, but almost exclusively use it as a momentary light. For those people, the extended tailcap is probably not that fun.

Other people (me included) use our L1's momentary switch "sometimes", but more often twist it on for extended use.
For me, I like the extended tailcap because it really doesn't get in the way for the most part, and the added protection from "accidental on" plus the ability to tail stand makes the shrouded tailcap a no-brainer.

It all comes down to personal use.
I like my OS tailcaps. Most of my use of my SF lights (L2, A2x3 and counting) is momentary, but when I need longer runtime I just give a twist. That reminds me, I need to order another camo one...

Another added bonus of the OS tailcap that hasn't been mentioned here yet is I almost never use the twist lock out on my lights anymore. You don't have to lock out your tailcap to prevent accidental activation when you have a tailcap installed.
I can't seem to find Jon's website. Could someone please share a link?

For the OP: no, not really. The slight increase in difficulty of using the momentary switch is more than compensated for by the tailstand ability plus the protection for the rubber boot. Very highly recommended. Plus, Jim's workmanship is superior and into the bargain he's A Great Guy.

I'm with you on how I use a flashlight, but I'd prefer not to have the tailcap on my lights now. I'm looking at using a thin sliced piece of Delrin to go between the twisty and the body to prevent "high beam" twist on but still allow lowbeam to work if tightened down.

The accidental bumping on am LED is not that big an issue with me and I don't worry about the extra protection the extended tailcap offers for drops. My A2 is BEAT UP already.

I've used an O-ring on my G2 for a while now to get this operation at work and like it, but an o-ring size is not available to do the job on teh A2 because its too thin of an area.

With an O-ring on my G2 I can use it for a momentary (98% of the time) and twist it down HARD to get it to stay on for extended periods.

PS. If you don't mind the extra outter DIA, the "tactical" version is easier to use by far. Can be actuated with thumb pad easily and used in teh "Rogers-SureFire" shooting grip with a handgun.
I really like mine. They help me protect my night vision by forcing me to have to intend to deploy the incan. I still lock them out when not in use though. They don't provide THAT much protection!

As for tailstanding, I have 2 different OS guards on my 2 A2s and only one of them tailstands. This is not the primary benefit of this fantastic add-on for my purposes.
Crap. Just ordered one from JSBurlys' website but realized it was for the E series not L- series. Ugh. Oh well. I'm intending on getting an E1B when they come out again.....Probably put my L1 up for sale when they become available...
I was going to make one that was larger like the "tactical" series for the E2 but see no need really with Jburly's version out now.

souptree ,
You should have emailed me and said your's does not tail stand. You probably got one that I was trying to make a lower profile on to make activation easier. I found that .250" was needed to ensure they tail stand and gave up on the short height versions because of it.

SEND me your purchase info (email you used, and style you got) and I'll send you another one out. There is no reason to live with something that falls short of expectations. I guarantee the customer is happy with the product or $$$ back period.

I make a flared version for the A2. Jburly has one for the E2 listed.
What would you wnat different in an E2 that is not offered by Jburly's version? Sell me on it. :)
Does anyone make one that's still available, for either the L5 or U2?
I don't think so. I tried making one, but the internal o-ring groove is too delicate for my setup.
I just got mine yesterday. The installation was straightforward. Tailstands securely and switch activation is only minimally affected. You use the ball of the thumb now instead of the first joint region. For twisting action, there is no affect at all.

I'm very pleased!


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